Artikelnummer 6343

SERFS (Nong Nu) (1963) * with switchable English subtitles *

Jun Li Writer: Zongjiang Huang Yangjie Baima ... Landuo Zhuoma Shicui Zhuoma Shicui ... Grandmother Dui Wang Dui Wang ... Qiangba Duoji Xiao Duoji Xiao Wangdui Xiao Wangdui Xiao ... Qiangba as enfant Lamu Zaxi Lamu Zaxi ... Landuo as enfant

All of Qiangba's Tibetan ancestors have been serfs. Shortly after his birth, his parents are tortured to death by serf owner Wangjie. In his teens, he becomes a household serf of Wangjie, and passes an inhuman existence. Qiangba from then on refuses to speak, showing his resistance through silence. After the PLA enters Tibet, Qiangba and female serf Landuo leave to find the Communists. Landuo is rescued by the PLA, changing her fate; but Qiangba is caught and taken back. The serf owner's son, with support from foreign imperialists, foments armed rebellion. After the rebellion is smashed, Qiangba is rescued by the PLA, and the serfs are liberated at last. Qiangba is reunited with Landuo and begins to speak again after many years of silence.

DVD-R is in Mandarin Chinese with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 88 mins.  See film samples for sound and video quality!  


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