UN DIA CON EL DIABLO (A Day with the Devil) (...
Cantinflas Juan Pérez Andrés Soler El diab...
kostenlosen Versand
beim Kauf von 10+ DVDs
Cantinflas Juan Pérez Andrés Soler El diab...
Emilio Ghione Jr., Mariella Lotti, Emilio Cigol...
Lyudmila Skopina as Ganna Likhta (as L. Skopina...
Massimo Girotti – Il pretore Guido Schiavi Jon...
Anna Magnani Lidia Carla Del Poggio Maria...
Regina Linnanheimo as Aino Kullervo Kalske a...
Directed by Akira Kurosawa[1] Screenplay by Se...
Directed by Hideo Sekigawa Written by Kazuo Fu...
Réalisation Henri Decoin Scénario Henri Decoin...
Micheline Presle : Élisabeth Rousset Louis Sal...
Directed by Koreyoshi Kurahara Osamu Kawase...
Directed by Edgar Reitz Kai Taschner as Joschi...
Directed by Karel Steklý Written by Marie Maje...
Directed by František Čáp Written by Bohumil Š...