December 2024
Bolt, a British linguist, develops a universal language, so he's a sudden sensation and receives a Nobel Prize. An ambitious diplomat, who is capitalizing on Bolt's celebrity, arranges for the U.S. to commission a statue for a London square to honor Bolt's achievement. Bolt's Italian wife, a renowned artist, sculpts an 18-foot nude of him. In a pique because he's neglected her for years to do his work, she gives the statue a spectacular phallus and tells Bolt that he wasn't its model. Thinking he's a cuckold, Bolt goes on a jealous search for a man matching the statue. The diplomat also wants changes in the statue to protect his conservative image. Can art and love be reconciled?
A group of men are on safari. One of the party refuses to give a gift to a tribe they encounter. The tribe is offended, seizes the party, and one-by-one, kills all but one of the safari members in various creative and horrifying ways. The last surviving member is given "The Lion's Chance" by the tribal leader to be hunted down by a party of tribal warriors. Naked and weaponless, he is set loose, the hunters hot on his heels, beginning a life-or-death hunt through wild Africa. Moral of the story: be culturally sensitive and don't complain when others do unto you as you do to the defenseless.
Three musicians arrive in a Mexican village destroyed by El Supremo and learn, from the only survivor, of the lost treasure of Montezuma, hidden in an Aztec temple. Along comes Pecos and the search is on.
Lt. Col. Senda resists the idea of sending Japanese fighter pilots on suicide missions. He believes that what is really necessary for Japan to regain momentum in the war is for the air force to gather its most brilliant pilots into an elite squadron and use the unit to make pinpoint attacks on the Americans. Disrespected by the kamikaze pilots who think the "non-suicidal" pilots are afraid, the unit redeems itself by executing stunning victories. But success leads the military leaders to expect too much of the unit, and new orders portend disaster.
Monsieur Hulot has to contact an American official in Paris, but he gets lost in the maze of modern architecture, which is filled with the latest technical gadgets. Caught in the tourist invasion, Hulot roams around Paris with a group of American tourists, causing chaos in his usual manner.
Inspector Palmu investigates the death of an old astronomer, whose body is found on Helsinki's Observatory Hill; but the investigation is complicated by the media's spreading of false information concerning the case.
Between October 11 and November 5, 1968, 19-year old Norio Nagayama killed four people with a handgun. He was arrested on April 7, 1969. The Tokyo District Court sentenced him to death in 1979, though this was overturned by the Tokyo High Court, which imposed a sentence of life imprisonment in 1981. The Supreme Court of Japan reversed the high court's decision in 1983 and subsequently sentenced him to death in 1987. In prison, Nagayama wrote many novels and became a public figure. He was executed by hanging on August 1, 1997. He made no final statement.
An old sea-captain retires in 1940; but the next day, the German occupation of Norway begins. He kisses his wife goodbye and is off to Army HQ. There, he finds a lack of leadership and morale that offends him. They even laugh at him and his outdated uniform and officer's rank. Eventually, he finds and leads his private troop of volunteers against the German attack. The movie tells the story of a man who refuses to give up, even when everybody else does. He will fight for the country he loves and do his duty.
During the Hungarian revolt against the Habsburgs in 1848-49, a mother and her three sons try to leave by the road precisely designated by their conservative, stone-hearted father. Needless to say, they end up caught in middle, with the rebels on one side, and the Habsburg Army and their Russian allies on the other (the latter not at all mentioned in this communist-era film from Hungary).
The tale is set in 200 BCE, when Rome and Carthage were going at it, sending warships into battle over control of Carthage. Against this backdrop of warfare is a romantic tangle between two women in love with the same warrior, and two men in love with the same woman. As the romantic and military battles progress, it becomes clear that Carthage will burn and at least a few of the erstwhile lovers are going to get burned as well, in more ways than one.
Having pulled off the smallest ever train robbery, Little Walter and his crew decide to get out of London. The six of them set up business in a disused monastery off the Cornish coast, despite the fact that none of them really qualifies as a monk - least of all Walter's moll, Bikini. Bit by bit, the quiet way of life starts becoming a habit.
A naval adventure which focuses on the rivalry among the crew, particularly the indignation wrought by the behavior of the implacable Captain Steen. Dick, one of the sailors, is one of the most rebellious and draws up plans to exact vengeance.
A U.S. spy and the East German police duke it out in a battle of wits, fisticuffs and killing. The spy assumes the ID of a wealthy look-alike, who the Communists killed. But will his wife spill the beans in this Cold War espionage thriller?
The film begins with two strange events. The first is when a couple is heard arguing violently in their apartment and the police are called. The couple is gone, but their dog has been viciously kicked to death --- and the police assume the woman was murdered, since some neighbor saw a man hauling away a large trunk. The second involves a woman stalking another lady --- you think there's going to be a murder, but a friend shows up and frightens away the attacker. The problem is that the intended victim doesn't know she was almost killed. How does all this fit together? See the film for yourself to find out.
DEATH ROW WOMAN (1960) * with switchable English subtitles * . Arrested for the murder of her wealthy father, convicted on false evidence and sentenced to death, Kyoko, the heroine of Death Row Woman, is determined to prove her innocence. With the aid of an older convict, she makes a daring escape and reunites with her fianc e. But with the police closing in, can they unmask the real killer in time? There is also a feminist subtext --- Kyoko not only objects to her father s choice of husband, but also decides to have her lover s baby, minus a marriage certificate.
An adaptation of nine stories from Bocaccio's "Decameron": Segment 1: A young man from Perugia is swindled twice in Naples, but ends up rich; Segment 2: A man poses as a deaf-mute in a convent of curious nuns; Segment 3: A woman must hide her lover when her husband comes home early; Segment 4: A scoundrel fools a priest on his deathbed; Segment 5: Three brothers take revenge on their sister's lover; Segment 6: A young girl sleeps on the roof to meet her boyfriend at night; Segment 7: A group of painters wait for inspiration; Segment 8: A crafty priest attempts to seduce his friend's wife; Segment 9: Two friends make a pact to find out what happens after death.
The lecherous, tyrannical prince of Guastalla falls in love with Emilia, the daughter of Colonel Odoardo Galotti. He dispatches his chamberlain, Marinelli, to convey her to him and obstruct her upcoming marriage to Count Appiani. After his attempt to send Appiani away on a diplomatic mission fails, Marinelli approaches the situation with less subtlety by ambushing the wedding coach with bandits. Appiani is shot in the fray, and Emilia and her mother are brought to the prince's palace. The mother correctly guesses the intentions of the prince. The father, having just rushed up to the palace, learns of the same from Countess Orsina, the prince's jealous mistress. He is beside himself with anger and wants to immediately bring Emilia home, the one outcome that the prince will simply not allow to occur.
Der l sterne, tyrannische Prinz von Guastalla verliebt sich in Emilia, die Tochter des Oberst Odoardo Galotti. Er beauftragt seinen Kammerherrn Marinelli, ihm Emilia zuzuf hren und deren bevorstehende Hochzeit mit dem Grafen Appiani zu verhindern. Da eine Abschiebung des Grafen zu einer diplomatischen Mission nicht gelingt, l sst Marinelli die Hochzeitskutsche von Banditen berfallen. Appiani wird erschossen, Emilia und deren Mutter auf des Prinzen Lustschloss gebracht. Die Mutter kennt die Absicht des Prinzen und ahnt die Zusammenh nge. Der herbeigeeilte Vater erf hrt sie von der Gr fin Orsina, der eifers chtigen Geliebten des Prinzen. Er ist au er sich und will Emilia sofort mit nach Hause nehmen, was der Prinz zu verhindern wei .
A story about a man who possesses enormous power, has it taken away from him, and finds, when it is returned, that it no longer means very much to him. Eminent Domain takes place in a somewhat fictionalized Poland in the pre-glasnost era. The state is run by a strongman whose control over the Communist Party and its Politburo is complete. That means that even the most powerful party officials - like Josef Burski, the sixth-ranking party official - owe their position and influence entirely to him.
A Jewish refugee marries a soldier to escape deportation to Germany. Meanwhile, a wealthy art student loses her first husband to a stray Resistance bullet; at the Liberation she meets an actor, gets pregnant, and marries him.
![]() EURIDICE BA 2037 (1975) * with switchable English subtitles * . Euridice lives imprisoned inside a metaphorical hell-house, in a country ruled by a dictatorship. Having already served her time, she is waiting to be transferred "somewhere else". However, the State Processor in charge of prisoners transfers has been mocking her for days... maybe even years. A long lost lover, Orpheus, contacts her, asking to see her again. Euridice accepts, hoping that something will change, yet she is also afraid of any changes.
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One day, a gay student couple falls under a cult leader's spell. Madame C. succeeds in hypnotizing the student Frank, who thinks he can anticipate his own death. Frank's lover believes he can see through Madame C.'s machinations and wants to stop her with the help of an investigative journalist (even though he himself is fascinated by her teachings). However, the two young homosexuals fail to recognize the Mabuse epigone's mastery of manipulation and dissimulation.
Eines Tages ger t ein schwules Studenten-P rchen in den Bann der Sekten-F hrerin. Madame C. gelingt es, den Studenten Frank zu hypnotisieren, der meint, seinen eigenen Tod antizipieren zu k nnen. Franks Liebhaber glaubt, die Machenschaften von Madame C. durchschauen zu k nnen, und will ihr mit Hilfe einer Enth llungsjournalistin das Handwerk legen, obwohl er selbst von ihren Lehren fasziniert ist. Die beiden jungen Homosexuellen verkennen aber die Meisterhaftigkeit in Sachen Manipulation und Verstellungskunst der Mabuse-Epigonin.
Historical depiction of the events preceding the political murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, would-be emperor of the Austro-Hungarian throne, in Sarajevo, June 28, 1914. A world war would start there, which some claim has not yet ended - merely changed fighting grounds now and again.
The links between power and fanaticism in Egypt are explored in this film, which also denounces intolerance, and where the unconditional drive for money rules. Adam, the son of a rich businessman and his American wife meets Hanane, a journalist of modest means at the airport on his return from his studies in the US. She is part of a campaign against the wealthy elite, which has thrived on plundering its own people. They fall in love and get married. Corruption is everywhere in the country and American interests are taking over the lucrative tourist trade. Adam's rich parents and their friends in the government are at the heart of this corrupt system. Adam's mother, Margaret, nourishes a strange affection for her son. She is possessive to the point of violence and is ready to get rid of Hanane, whom she considers her rival. Adam turns against the global economy of which his parents are the perfect examples as he sees through the greed of international speculators and the secret ties that bind them to fanatical fundamentalist sects. The fact that Hanane's brother has become an Islamic terrorist does not help matters.
THE GOLDEN AGE (1930): A surrealist tale of a man and a woman who are passionately in love with each other, but their attempts to consummate that passion are constantly thwarted by their families, the Church, and bourgeois society.
THE PASSING OF THE THIRD FLOOR BACK (1935): In a London boarding house, a number of lives exist precariously on the edge of disaster or despair. Stasia, the housemaid, hungers for happiness, but is treated like a drudge and constantly threatened with a return to the punishments of her youth. Vivian, a beautiful young girl, loves the architect Chris, but must marry the repugnant Mr. Wright in order to erase her parents' debts. Miss Kite derides all around her out of fear of aging and loss of beauty, while her friend Mr. Larkcom sells mediocre phonograph records, though he'd secretly love to be a concert pianist. Into the lives of these and other unhappy residents comes a mysterious stranger, under whose influence, they each begin to see the possibility of happiness. But the cynical Mr. Wright prefers to see them in misery and plots to thwart the angelic stranger who lives in the back room of the third floor.
![]() TWO FILM DVD: NOTHING BUT TIME (1926) + GOLD FEVER (1912) . NOTHING BUT TIME (Rien que les heures) (1926): A city: we know it's Paris by its monuments, but it could be anywhere; the lives of the poor are the same. We see a streetwalker, a woman who sells newspapers, a sailor, a landlady, an old woman, a shop keeper, and others. The camera shows us derelicts and the unemployed. As the clock shows passing time, people arrive for work, shops and restaurants open, butchers carry animal carcasses. After work, it's time for pleasure and relaxation, but after Midnight, danger awaits. So do possibilities.
GOLD FEVER (La Fievre de l'Or) (1912): A man's debts have mounted up, and the creditors are starting to threaten him with bailiffs. His wife goes to see her father, a banker, who forbade the marriage. On seeing the gambling debts, he declares he will not help them out.
WHISTLE STOP (1963): A lonely, aging city engineer and amateur artist, Pavel, on his doctor's orders, decides to holiday at a rural coastal farm collective to paint and for much needed relaxation. Pavel is warmly greeted at the farm, and two charming children befriend him, once everyone finds out he can fix things, Pavel can hardly get a moment to himself. The young girl Nyuska exclaims and constantly reminds him, "landlords must do subsidiary work" after he cleans up and moves into an old shack.
THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS (1951): Animated work based on the poem by Nikolay Gogol. Handsome blacksmith Vakula, who falls in love with village beauty, Oksana, is ready to do anything for her; even to fly on the Devil's back to Saint-Petersburg and ask the Empress for her slippers so he can present them to his sweetheart.
DER NEUNTE SOHN DES HIRTEN (1986): Once upon a time, in the mountains of Kazakhstan, the wizard Tasbol ruled without challenge. But instead of helping humanity with his power of magic, he caused only sadness and distress. It was prophesized to Tasbol that one day, the son of a horse herder would bring him down. The wizard had no intention of bowing down to fate and decided to employ the eight grown children of the herder, as well as a newborn, in his service as current and future warriors. Tasbol, however, didn't reckon with the father's stubborn nature, who resisted every command of the wizard. Annoyed, the wizard changed the horse herder into a stone, trapped the eight sons, and robbed them of their memory. Now, years later, the newborn has embarked on a mission to find his father and his eight brothers.
Einst herrschte in den Bergen Kasachstans der m chtige Zauberer Tasbol. Aber anstatt den Menschen mit seinen Zauberkr ften Gutes zu tun, bers te er sie mit Ungl ck. Da prophezeite man Tasbol, dass er eines Tages vom Sohn eines Pferdehirten bezwungen werden w rde. Der Zauberer wollte sich dieser Voraussage nicht tatenlos beugen und beschloss, die acht erwachsenen S hne und das Neugeborene des Pferdehirten als Krieger in seine Dienste aufzunehmen. Doch Tasbol rechnete nicht mit der Hartn ckigkeit des Vaters, der allen Geboten des Zauberers widerstand. beraus erz rnt, verwandelte er den Pferdehirten auf der Stelle in einen Stein, lockte die acht S hne in eine Falle und raubte ihnen das Ged chtnis. Nun gingen einige Jahre ins Land, bis sich der nunmehr zu einem k hnen Recken herangewachsene neunte Sohn aufmachte, seinen Vater und die Br der zu suchen.
DAS GEHEIMNIS DER FESTUNG (1959): Dry and stony is the land. And a mighty cliff blocks the river's path. And Sinnah Khan, whose fortress sits on this cliff, rejects giving water to the villagers for their fields. Wise Eldosta and her clever student Metanet invent an elixir which is supposed to make the land fertile again. In the meantime, Eischan and his teacher work on removing the huge cliff, which is blocking the river. The tyrannical khan and his evil adviser, Gei Ges Kossa, are determined to block that endeavour at every turn. They take Eldosta, Metanet, and Eischan captive and torture them to find out the secret of the elixir. The three, however, remain steadfast in keeping the secret from khan's clutches; even after Gei Ges Kossa turns Metanet into a stone!
Trocken und steinig ist das Land. Ein m chtiger Fels versperrt dem Fluss den Weg. Und Sinnah Khan, dessen Festung auf dem Fels thront, gew hrt dem Volk kein Wasser f r ihre Felder. Da ersinnen der Weise Eldosta und seine kluge Sch lerin Metanet ein Elixier, das den Boden wieder fruchtbar machen soll. W hrenddessen machen sich der J ngling Elschan und sein Lehrmeister auf den Weg um den m chtigen Felsen beiseite zu schaffen. Doch der tyrannische Khan und sein b ser Berater Gei-Ges-Kossa g nnen ihrem Volk keinen Reichtum. Sie lassen Eldosta, Metanet und Elschans Lehrmeister gefangen nehmen und foltern sie, um ihnen das Geheimnis des Elixiers zu entlocken. Doch die drei bleiben standhaft, selbst als Metanet von dem zauberkundigen Gei-Ges-Kossa in Stein verwandelt wird.
In order to placate the angry gods who allowed Thessaly to be overrun with barbarian invaders and beset with natural disasters, King Jason takes his Argonauts on a search for the fabled Golden Fleece. Meanwhile, back at home, his scheming regent is plotting to get his hands on the kingdom --- and the queen.
THREE SONGS ABOUT LENIN (1934) + SALT FOR SVANETIA (1930) * both with English & German subtitles *
THREE SONGS ABOUT LENIN (1934): Three Songs of Lenin is a non-narrative documentary celebrating Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, founding leader of the Soviet state, who had died 10 years earlier in 1924. It follows a tripartite structure, organized around folk songs written for Lenin. Part one focuses on the Soviet liberation of Muslim women in Uzbekistan. Part two eulogizes Lenin, featuring footage of his funeral, his public appearances, and even the only existing sound clip from one of his speeches. Finally, part three expands its scope to commend the breadth of achievement in Soviet society.
SALT FOR SVANETIA (1930): Most of Salt for Svanetia describes and explores the daily life of the Svan people, who are living isolated from civilisation in a harsh natural environment in the mountainous region of Svanetia. The film starts with the Leninist quotation, "Even now there are far reaches of the Soviet Union where the patriarchal way of life persists along with remnants of the clan system." Svanetia and the mountain village of Ushguli are then located on two slowly dissolving maps of the region and are described as "cut off from civilization by mountains and glaciers". The introductory focus on class conflict fades, as the film moves to concentrate on the daily routine of the villagers.
Sylvia, a chemist, is troubled by strange hallucinations connected with the tragic suicide of her mother. Or was it something other than a suicide?
Bombolini is a fairly-worthless drunk in the small Italian town of Santa Vittoria in the closing days of World War II. When word comes that the fascist government has surrendered, he climbs a water tower to tear down the flag. He can't get down and someone gets the crowd to chant his name to give him confidence. The town council hears this and believes he is the town's new leader. They surrender to him and make him the new mayor. He rises to the occasion, when he finds out that the Germans plan to occupy his town and take their wine (over a million bottles). And so, what else is there to do? He works out a plan to hide it.
THERE WAS A YOUNG LADY (1953): Super-efficient secretary Elizabeth Foster effectively runs a diamond merchant firm. Her boss David Walsh (who inherited the firm from his uncle, but knows nothing about diamonds) buys a diamond ring from a street vendor, planning to propose to her, but she tells him the diamond is actually paste, and far from worth the 25 he paid. His embarrassment over this causes him to forgo proposing. She tells him of her plan to rescue the firm from its dire financial position by purchasing the family jewels of a duke David went to school with for 70,000. Though they only have 7000 to pay, she has a prospective buyer already, who may be willing to pay 90,000. However, David is unwilling to go along with how she intends to raise the sum (which includes mortgaging his willing mother's house), so she quits.
TOO MANY WIVES (1937): Betty Jackson, a socialite, and Barry Trent are attracted to each other at first sight. They ran into each other in the park while walking their dogs one day. Betty doesn't know what Barry does for a living, but because he walks different dogs each day, he implies he works in his family's dog breeding business. In reality, he is a poor dog walker, only doing this job as he, a recent journalism graduate, can't get a job as a reporter.
. The famous dancer Viktor Lamont apparently has no luck when he gambles: in fact, he just lost a load of money in the Casino of San Francisco. Thus, in place of the missing $4 000, he gives old Mr. Dane as a deposit a diamond worth $60 000, a diamond, which, shortly before, was lost to him by Prince Batjanoff in a game. The next day, he comes up with the cash and brings it to Dane's servant to get the diamond back. But how does it happen, that at the same time Lamont is getting back the diamond, he's also with two friends at their place?!? The diamond has disappeared and Dane must replace it.
Der ber hmte T nzer Viktor Lamont hat offenbar kein Gl ck im Spiel: Soeben hat er im Casino von San Francisco eine Unmenge Geld verloren. Deshalb gibt er dem alten Mr. Dane anstelle der fehlenden 4.000 Dollar als Pfand Brillanten im Wert von 60.000 Dollar, Schmuck, den kurz zuvor die F rstin Batjanoff an ihn verloren hatte. Am n chsten Tag l st er bei Danes Diener den Pfand gegen Bargeld ein. Doch wie kommt es, dass Lamont zur selben Zeit, als er angeblich den Schmuck einl ste, bei zwei Freunden war? Der Schmuck jedenfalls ist verschwunden, und Dane muss ihn ersetzen.
DIE LETZTE HEUER (1951): Ship's stoker Heini Holler goes to Greece for health reasons and reports to the consulate of Nazi Germany. The consul sends him back to Hamburg. He had previously reported him to the local Gestapo as politically suspicious. When he arrives, Holler is immediately arrested. His comrades kidnap the consul and demand an exchange for Heini, which is to take place in Marseille. The Gestapo apparently accepts this and secures the support of the French police, in order to get hold of the kidnappers. However, the solidarity of the sailors in Marseille is stronger; Heini will be able to cure his lung disease in the Soviet Union.
Der Schiffsheizer Heini Holler mustert aus gesundheitlichen Gr nden in Griechenland ab und meldet sich im Konsulat des faschistischen Deutschland. Der Konsul schickt ihn nach Hamburg zur ck. Vorher hat er ihn der dortigen Gestapo als politisch verd chtig gemeldet. Bei seiner Ankunft wird Holler sofort verhaftet. Seine Kameraden entf hren den Konsul und fordern einen Austausch gegen Heini, der in Marseille stattfinden soll. Die Gestapo geht zum Schein darauf ein, sichert sich die Unterst tzung der franz sischen Polizei, um der Entf hrer habhaft zu werden. Die Solidarit t der Seeleute in Marseille jedoch ist st rker, Heini wird seine Lungenkrankheit in der Sowjetunion auskurieren k nnen.
KABALE UND LIEBE (1959): Ferdinand von Walther, the son of President von Walther, is in love with Luise, the daughter of the town musician Miller. Yet, this love is not in keeping with the young man's social station and stands in the way of the President's high-flown plans: Ferdinand is to marry the duke's mistress, Lady Milford, thereby shoring up his father's influence at court. Ferdinand balks at this plan; he loves Luise too much and would not even dream of considering a forced marriage. But Wurm, a bourgeois upstart and the President's right hand man, has likewise fallen for Luise. With his master's consent, he craftily sets up an intrigue to which Ferdinand falls victim. Based on the drama by Friedrich Schiller, the film impresses with its monumental scenery and historical costumes. Director Martin Hellberg opens a new view into one of the most important plays of classical German literature.
Am Hofe eines deutschen Herzogs im 18. Jahrhundert. Der absolutistische Herrscher verkauft Landeskinder als S ldner nach Amerika, um sein luxuri ses Hofleben und seine M tresse Lady Milford zu finanzieren. Aus Etikettegr nden soll die Lady verheiratet werden. Pr sident von Walther bietet dem F rsten seinen Sohn Ferdinand daf r an. Ferdinand aber liebt die B rgerstochter Luise und will sie heiraten. Als Drohungen Ferdinand nicht umstimmen k nnen, schl gt Sekret r Wurm dem Pr sidenten eine Intrige vor. Luise wird erpre t, ihre Liebe zu Ferdinand als Betrug auszuweisen. Dieser, von der Unmoral der Gesellschaft angewidert, vergiftet Luise und sich selbst. Sterbend gesteht Luise ihm die Zusammenh nge. Der herbeigeeilte Pr sident steht entsetzt vor der toten Luise und dem sterbenden Sohn und begreift seine Schuld.
HEIRATSSCHWINDLER (1937): Herr Haeselich was in jail for defrauding women with fake marriages. And what do you know? He's not out very long before he finds a new victim: the shy waitress Melitta. And while chatting the waitress up, he's also hitting on the rich owner of the hotel Melitta works at: Frau Lindemann. The latter, however, sees right through him. And to add to the drama, a former victim, a Frau Buschko, suddenly appears on the scene.
Heiratsschwindler H selich wird aus der Haft entlassen. Sofort findet er ein neues Opfer, die sch chterne Serviererin Melitta. Zeitgleich umgarnt er die reiche Hotelwirtin Frau Lindemann. Die jedoch durchschaut ihn; zudem erscheint eine fr heres Leidtragende, Frau Buschko, auf der Bildfl che.
DIE GRAUE DAME (1937): On the road between Bremen and Hamburg, a burning car with the body of a strangled woman is found. The trail leads to a young man and to his sister, who was being blackmailed. At the turning over of the money, the criminal police are successful in nabbing the blackmailer. But the blackmailer doesn t appear to be the murderer of the strangled woman in the car.
Auf der Stra e zwischen Bremen und Hamburg wird ein brennendes Auto mit einer erdrosselten Frau gefunden. Die Spur f hrt zu einem jungen Mann und zu deren Schwester, die erpresst wird. Bei der Geld bergabe gelingt es dem Kriminalbeamten, den Erpresser dingfest zu machen. Doch der Erpresser scheint nicht der M rder Graziella Horns zu sein.
ICH KENN DICH NICHT UND LIEBE DICH (1934) . Typically in operettas, the hero is either a struggling composer in his twenties or a successful composer in his thirties. Here we have the latter: Willi Forst portrays a composer who has attained commercial and artistic success, but who is just lately undergoing the musical equivalent of writer's block ... until he sees a magazine photo of the daughter of a wealthy Bavarian family (Magda Schneider). Her beauty inspires him to compose new melodies. But there's only so much inspiration in a magazine photo. To get to the source of his inspiration, Forst applies for a job as the butler in her parents' mansion. Conveniently, her parents are looking to hire a butler. Implausibly, Forst gets the job without any sort of references or screening.. Robert Ottmar, ein junger Komponist, verliebt sich in das Bild einer jungen Dame, das er in der Zeitung sieht. Durch sie wird er zu seiner neuen Operette inspiriert, die ein gro er Erfolg wird. Nun m chte er seine Herzensdame auch pers nlich kennen lernen und erf hrt, dass sie Gloria hei t und die Tochter des Generaldirektors Claassen in Nizza ist. Zusammen mit seinem Freund und Textdichter Erwin Rodenberg reist er sofort nach Nizza und l sst sich von den Claassens als Kammerdiener anstellen, um in Glorias N he zu sein.
A married couple takes their vacation at Woerthersee. Two hussies discover the husband s clothing and his camera on the shore of the lake. Since they both have a bad opinion of men in general, they allow themselves to play a little joke on him. One of the girlies photographs the other in a compromising pose. When his wife discovers the photo, she believes her husband is doing the dirty with the girl in the picture. And when he in fact happens to meet the girl in the photo by chance, wifey plays with fire and brings the two together to catch them in the act. Ein Ehepaar macht Urlaub am W rthersee. Zwei Freundinnen entdecken am Ufer die Kleider des Mannes und seinen Fotoapparat. Da sie gerade schlecht auf alle M nner zu sprechen sind, erlauben sie sich einen kleinen Scherz, und die eine Freundin macht von der anderen ein Foto in aufreizender Pose. Doch als die Ehefrau das Foto entdeckt, glaubt sie, ihr Mann w rde sie betr gen. Und als dieser tats chlich per Zufall dem M dchen von dem Foto begegnet, bringt die Ehefrau die Beiden immer wieder zusammen, um sie auf frischer Tat zu ertappen.
According to the last will of a deceased millionairess, her brother Severin Petermann and her two nephews --- Walther von Peterjahn and Johannes Patermann --- will only inherit if they spend a summer together under one roof in an Austrian villa. It won't be easy: they've been at one another's throats for years. Still, they decide to give it a try and retire to the Villa Waldfrieden in Steiermark. A little while later, some waif from Berlin shows up, who the now-dead aunt was looking after. Guess what happens next! Nach dem Letzten Willen einer verstorbenen Million rin sollen ihr Bruder Severin Petermannsowie ihre beiden Neffen Walther von Peterjahn und Johannes Petermann nur dann erbberechtigt sein, wenn sie einen Sommer gemeinsam unter einem Dach in einer sterreichischen Villa verbringen. Widerstrebend ziehen die seit Jahren zerstrittenen Verwandten in die Villa Waldfrieden in der Steiermark ein. Kurz darauf trifft dort das kleine Binchenein, ein Berliner Ferienkind, das die verstorbene Tante noch avisiert hatte.
Crook and con man Philipp Kalder cheats his way from being a poor, war returnee to a well-off honorary citizen with women at his feet. Equipped with false papers and a stolen US uniform, Kalder comes to Frankfurt to make big money. At first, he earned a considerable fortune as a scrap dealer. But that wasn't enough for the crook, so he promptly cheats a former colonel on a big arms deal. But when the rascal prepares the next big coup with a wealthy art lover who absolutely wants to own the Venus de Milo, everything suddenly goes differently than planned and Kalder gets into trouble.
Gauner und Hochstapler Philipp Kalder mogelt sich in dieser Nachkriegskom die vom armen Kriegsheimkehrer zum gut situierten Ehrenb rger, dem die Frauen zu F en liegen. Mit falschen Papieren und einer geklauten US-Uniform ausgestattet kommt Kalder nach Frankfurt, um das ganz gro e Geld zu machen. Zun chst verdient er als Schrotth ndler ein beachtliches Verm gen. Doch das reicht dem Gauner nicht, und so betr gt er prompt einen ehemaligen Oberst bei einem gro en Waffendeal. Als das Schlitzohr aber den n chsten gro en Coup mit einem wohlhabenden Kunstliebhaber vorbereitet, der unbedingt die Venus von Milo sein eigen nennen will, l uft pl tzlich alles anders als geplant, und Kalder gerat in Schwierigkeiten.
Anni, Resi, and Franzi work in a factory making cigarettes. What they'd rather do is shack up with a guy. So, to that end, they send out anonymous invitations to a dancing festival in cigarette packs. Unfortunately, things don't quite turn out as they wanted.
Um endlich attraktive M nner im heiratsf higen Alter kennen zu lernen, verstecken die Tabakfabrik-Arbeiterinnen Anni, Resi, und Franzi anonyme Einladungen zu einem Tanzfest in Zigarrenschachteln. Das hat unvorhergesehene Folgen. . . . . .
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