Artikelnummer 3116

LO SQUADRONE BIANCO (1936) * with switchable English subtitles *

Fulvia Lanzi; Francesca Dalpe; Fosco Giachetti; Antonio Centa; Guido Celano; Olinto Cristina; Cesare Polacco; Mohamed Ben Mabruk; Augusto Genina; Gino Valori; Joseph Peyré; Gino Rocca

Deluso in amore, tenente di cavalleria si fa trasferire in Tripolitania dove mette in luce la sua tempra di soldato e supera la crisi. Tratto dal romanzo L'escadron blanc di Joseph Peyré, generosamente finanziato con i soldi pubblici come film di propaganda sulla missione africana dell'Italia fascista, è un melodramma coloniale, imperniato sul difficile rapporto tra due ufficiali, ma il suo vero interesse sta sul versante documentaristico e nel modo con cui, ritmandole con ieratica solennità. 

When his romance with society girl Cristiana falls apart, Lieutenant Mario Ludovici has himself transferred to an army unit in Libya.  The unit's commander, Captain Santelia, is less than impressed by the new officer; especially as he's replacing another lieutenant, who was killed in battle and was immensely admired by everyone, including the captain.  However, after a bitter fight against rebel forces, Ludovici proves his true worth and returns back to base as the unit's commander, when Santelia is mortally wounded.  Cristina arrives in Libya as a tourist --- I kid you not --- and tries to convince our hero to return to Rome.  Ludovici decides his place is in Libya (not that the army would've given him much choice in the matter anyway).

DVD-R is in Italian with switchable English subtitles.  Approx. 94 mins. + a 6 min. contemporary newsreel. 

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