SKU 3099

DER PROZESS (1948) * with switchable English subtitles *

Georg Wilhelm Pabst; Ewald Balser; Marianne Schönauer; Gustav Diessl; Ernst Deutsch; Rega Hafenbrödl; Albert Truby; Heinz Moog; Maria Eis; Aglaja Schmid; Ida Russka; Iván Petrovich; Fritz Hinz-Fabricius; Josef Meinrad

Am 1. April 1882 verschwand das vierzehnjährige katholische Bauernmädchen Eszter Solymosi spurlos. Es tauchten Gerüchte auf, denen zufolge sie anlässlich des jüdischen Pessachfestes einem Ritualmord zum Opfer gefallen sein soll. Diese Gerüchte wurden von den antisemitischen Politikern Géza Ónódy und Gyözö Istóczy gefördert. Anfang Mai 1882 erstattete die Mutter des verschwundenen Mädchens Anzeige. Daraufhin wurde aufgrund der mutmaßlich erzwungenen Aussagen des fünfjährigen und des vierzehnjährigen Sohnes der jüdischen Familie Scharf Anklage erhoben. In der Folgezeit entwickelten Teile der christlichen Bevölkerung Ungarns, angefacht durch hetzerische Äußerungen glühender Antisemiten, eine regelrecht antijüdische Hysterie. 

On 01 April 1882, a 14 year old Catholic peasant girl by the name of Eszter Solymosi disappeared from a small Hungarian village.  It didn't take long before the rumor spread, that the girl was the victim of a ritual murder by the Jews on the occasion of Passover.  The superstitions of the ignorant were propelled into acceptance by some of the educated classes courtesy of Geza Onody and Gyozo Istocky, politicians and members of the landowner class, who were more than happy to spread their anti-Semitic beliefs and agendas.  In the beginning of May 1882, the girl's mother called for the arrest of the town Jews.  After statements by the five year old son of a Jewish family -- allegedly solicited by offerings of sugar and candy -- and of his 14 year old brother -- believed to be coerced --- a full-blown investigation was launched.  The result was an anti-Jewish hysteria in Hungary, which would remain unmatched in its ferocity until the 1940s; and a very close observation by the rest of the world, most of which had rejected the concept of ritual murder long before.

DVD-R is in German with switchable English subtitles.  Approx. 103 mins.  See film sample for quality!

Please note that the film is missing its end credits, but is otherwise complete.

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