Old Photo Sample (Prior to 10 Nov 16):

New Photo Sample (As of 10 Nov 16):

Old Photo Sample (Prior to 10 Nov 16):

New Photo Sample (As of 10 Nov 16):

The movie Long is the Way, filmed in the Summer of 1947 in Polish, Yiddish and German, was shot on location in the DP camp at Landsberg am Lech. The film is based on the fate of the Jelin family, Jewish survivors classified as displaced persons and housed in the largest refugee camp in postwar Germany waiting for the opportunity to emigrate. The film follows the family's dramatic path from pre-War Warsaw to Auschwitz to homelessness and temporary housing in the land of their persecutors.
Im Sommer 1947 entstand der Spielfilm LANG IST DER WEG auf Polnisch, Jiddisch und Deutsch an Originalschauplätzen im Lager für Displaced Persons in Landsberg am Lech. Der Film zeigt anhand des Schicksals der Familie Jelin die Situation der jüdischen Displaced Persons im Nachkriegsdeutschland, die auf eine Möglichkeit zur Auswanderung warten.
DVD-R is in Polish, German and Yiddish with hard-encoded English subtitles. Approx. 76 mins. See film samples for audio and video quality!
Old Film Sample (Prior to 10 Nov 16):

New film Sample (As of 10 Nov 16):