Artikelnummer 1790


Fritz Peter Buch, Fritz Reiff, Hannes Stelzer and Willi Schur
Prussia, during the War of Liberation from 1813 to 1815.  Count Schranden, who is pro-Napoleon, forces his servant Regina to guide French troops over "The Cat Walk" so that they can attack the Prussian Freikorps from the rear.  His son Werner turns away from him and only returns to his homeland years later after the death of his father.  His loyalty to Regina causes the populace to turn against him.  He breaks his engagement with Helene, the pastor's daughter and more and more becomes an outsider. 
Preußen, während der Befreiungskriege 1813 – 1815. Der Napoleon-freundliche Graf Schranden zwingt seine Dienstmagd Regine, die französischen Truppen über den Katzensteg in den Rücken des preußischen Freikorps zu führen. Sein Sohn Werner wendet sich von ihm ab und kehrt erst Jahre später, nach dem Tod des Vaters, in die Heimat zurück. Mit seinem Eintreten für Regine bringt er die Bevölkerung gegen sich auf, seine Verlobung mit der Pfarrerstocher Helene zerbricht, auch Werner wird mehr und mehr zum Außenseiter.


QUALITY (of feature film only):  some softness and snow, but there is a constant horizontal movement back and forth on the picture, which, while not tragic, is noticeable.






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A son pays for his father's sins, 06.04.2021 18:32
Von: Wolfie
Based on the novel by Hermann Sudermann, the film tells the tale of a Prussian count whose father forced a servant girl to lead French troops into the rear of the Prussian army, facilitating Napoleon's victory.
Seen as the descendant of a traitor by the townspeople, he is ill treated and rejected, much like the servant girl, who is still around and rather fetching.
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A son pays for his father's sins, 06.04.2021 18:32
Von: Wolfie
Based on the novel by Hermann Sudermann, the film tells the tale of a Prussian count whose father forced a servant girl to lead French troops into the rear of the Prussian army, facilitating Napoleon's victory.
Seen as the descendant of a traitor by the townspeople, he is ill treated and rejected, much like the servant girl, who is still around and rather fetching.
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