During the final months of the German occupation of France, Claude, a Jewish child, is sent to an elderly couple in the countryside to avoid deportation to the East. The husband, Pepe, fought in the First World War for France. Anti-Semitic, he continues to accuse the Jews, Communists and Freemasons of being the cause of all the evils in his country. But the arrival of Claude, whose parents have absolutely forbidden him to reveal his Jewish origins, will cause Pepe to question his beliefs.
Durant les derniers mois de l'occupation allemande, Claude, un enfant juif, est envoye par ses parents, pour eviter les rafles nazies, a la campagne chez un couple de personnes agees: Pepe et Meme. Pepe est un ancien poilu de la premiere guerre mondiale. Antisemite, il ne cesse d'accuser les juifs, les communistes et les Francs-maçons d'être la cause de tous les maux de la France. Mais l'arrivee de Claude, auquel ses parents ont formellement interdit de reveler ses origines juives, va quelque peu bouleverser les certitudes de Pepe
DVD-R is in French with switchable English and Spanish subtitles. Approx. 87 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!