Prag 1820. Der Student Balduin verkauft sein Spiegelbild an den geheimnisvollen Wucherer Scapinelli. Fortan führt er ein Leben in Saus und Braus und erobert das Herz der Gräfin Margit. Als deren Verlobter, Baron Waldis-Schwarzenberg, davon erfährt, fordert er Balduin zum Duell. Balduin verspricht Margit und ihrem Vater, das Leben seines Gegners zu schonen, doch das Spiegelbild nimmt an seiner Statt am Duell teil und tötet den Baron. Balduins Freunde, auch Margit, wenden sich von ihm ab. In seiner Verzweiflung erschießt er sein Spiegelbild – doch auch Balduin sinkt, tödlich ins Herz getroffen, zu Boden.
Being praised as the finest fencer in his University is not enough for Balduin. As everyone around him at the University praises him for his accomplishments as a swordsmen and celebrates him, Balduin plants himself on a bench where he can be alone. Scapinelli quickly pulls up on his carriage and notices Balduin pouting by himself as the rest of the student body is celebrating and dancing. He sees his opportunity to take advantage of Balduin for his own gain. Scapinelli starts pitching his idea to Balduin. While in negotiations, a mysterious wandering girl, a lower class women, watches, as Balduin and Scapinelli discuss ways to better Balduin's life. After being very easily convinced, Balduin leads Scapanelli to his home. As they are walking down a road, a young lady, the countess, gets into an accident. Balduin sees his opportunity to rescue her. He quickly dives into a pond, where she was dumped by an out of control horse, grabs the stunned young lady, and brings her to the shallow. Since he rescues her, she makes him a promise to meet with him again. As soon as the men reach Balduins home, the negotiations begin. Scapanelli pulls a contract out from his coat. The contract states that in return for love and gold Scapanelli may take any one item from Balduins home. To help Balduin make up his mind, Scapanelli pulls out a never-ending bag of gold. The gold flows at an alarming rate out of Scapinellis sleeve, which, much to the amazement of Balduin helps to seal the deal. But there's a lot more to this deal than meets the eye. Based on the classic Faust tale, this very early silent film does justice to the acting talents of Paul Wegener.
(56 mins.; Silent film with Italian intertitles and optional English subtitles).

Dritter von drei deutschen Stummfilmen über die jüdische Legende vom Golem: Das Prager Ghetto im 16. Jahrhundert. Als Rabbi Löw in den Sternen liest, dass der jüdischen Gemeinschaft Unheil droht, schafft er nach einer alten Legende eine mächtige Lehmfigur, den Golem, und haucht ihr mit magischen Kräften Leben ein. Der Golem rettet das Leben des Kaisers, und dieser widerruft seinen Befehl, die Juden aus der Stadt zu weisen. Damit hat der Golem eigentlich seinen Zweck erfüllt, aber als Löws Assistent ihn benutzt, um einen Rivalen zu bekämpfen, läuft der Golem Amok und setzt die Stadt in Flammen. Besiegt wird er erst durch ein kleines Mädchen, das ihm den Stern von der Brust löst, mit dem Löw ihm das Leben gab.
The film concerns itself with the legendary creation of the golem by Rabbi Judah Loew ben Bezalel. In the 16th century, the Jews of Prague face persecution. Rabbi Loew creates a giant golem out of clay, to protect the people. Unfortunately, the creature rebels and wreaks deadly havoc. In the end, a small girl stops the golem by removing the magic star from its chest. This version has unfortunately been colorized (i.e., instead of black-and-white, the frames appear in a monochrome green or blue or pink, etc.)
(85 mins.; very good quality. Silent film with English intertitles).