During the funeral of Mr. Dupont, several people follow the funeral procession, each immersed in their memories of the deceased. There is his wife Marie; his children Paul and Denise; his partner Varesco; and Janine Frejoul, his mistress whom he loved passionately. From their first meeting, before the War, angel-faced Janine laughed at him. She played the comedy of love by taking advantage of his largesse. Dupont, blinded by his passion, covered her with gifts, settled her debts, maintained her property, bought back her horses... While Janine, while filling Dupont with promises, thought only of her husband, Maurice, escaped from a Stalag, whom she hid during the war. Janine's Machiavellianism did not stop there. She was the instigator of a dark affair of denunciation carried out during the War as well as at the liberation mixing Dupont against Varesco.
Lors des funérailles de M. Dupont, plusieurs personnes suivent le convoi funèbre, chacun plongé dans ses souvenirs du défunt. Il y a sa femme Marie, ses enfants Paul et Denise, son associé Varesco et Janine Frejoul, sa maîtresse qu’il a passionnément aimée. Dès leur première rencontre, avant la guerre, Janine au visage d’ange s’est moquée de lui. Elle lui a joué la comédie de l’amour en profitant de ses largesses. Dupont, aveuglé par sa passion, la couvre de cadeaux, règle ses dettes, entretient sa propriété, rachète ses chevaux… Alors que Janine, tout en comblant Dupont de promesses, ne pense qu’à son mari, Maurice, évadé d’un Stalag, qu’elle cache pendant la guerre. Le machiavélisme de Janine ne s’arrêtera pas là. Elle sera l’instigatrice d’une sombre affaire de dénonciation menée pendant la guerre ainsi qu’à la libération mêlant Dupont contre Varesco.
DVD-R is in French with switchable English, Dutch, French, Hungarian, Italian, Russian, and Spanish subtitles. Approx. 108 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!