Annelie was born on New Year's night, 1871 --- 15 minutes too late, for her parents had calculated that her birth would be on Midnight as the new year rang in. This 15 minute delay would turn out to be a matter of fate for the girl throughout the rest of her life. When she turned 16, she missed the horse-drawn train by 15 minutes: there was an accident and she stayed alive. Her appendix bursts and she is brought to the hospital ... but again, 15 minutes later than she should have been. She's saved; and in her delirium, she has a vision and sets out to now always be on time. She marries the doctor, who operated on her and she has three children. When the First World War breaks out, her husband and two sons must go to the front; Annelie becomes a Red Cross nurse.
In der Neujahrsnacht 1871 wird Annelie geboren – 15 Minuten zu spät, denn die Eltern hatten genau Mitternacht für die Geburt ausgerechnet. Diese Verspätung von 15 Minuten wird für das Mädchen immer wieder zum Schicksal. Mit 16 Jahren verpasst sie die Pferdebahn, es geschieht ein Unglück, Annelie bleibt am Leben. Mit einem Blinddarmdurchbruch wird sie in die Klinik gebracht, 15 Minuten zu spät, doch sie wird gerettet. In ihren Fieberträumen hat sie eine Vision und nimmt sich vor, von nun an immer pünktlich zu sein. Sie heiratet den Arzt, der sie operiert hat, sie haben drei Kinder. Als der Erste Weltkrieg beginnt, müssen ihr Mann und zwei Söhne an die Front, Annelie wird Rot-Kreuz-Schwester.
THERE IS A NEWSREEL ALONG WITH THE FILM, JUST AS GERMAN AUDIENCES MIGHT HAVE SEEN WHEN THE MOVIE WAS FIRST SHOWN (except this newsreel may not be contemporary to when the film was released).
DVD-R IS IN GERMAN WITH NO SUBTITLES (except for the Newsreel).
QUALITY (of feature film only): Digital Quality

Our thanks to GERMANFILMS.NET for allowing us to use their image in promoting this film. The displayed poster can be found at the aforementioned website.