SKU 323


THE LIBERATION OF AUSCHWITZ  (1945): The films taken by Soviet cameramen in January 1945 showing the liberation of the concentration / extermination camps at Auschwitz-Birkenau have been seen in "parts" in various documentaries, but rarely shown in whole and rarely with appropriateexplanatory narration.  This 52-minute documentary not only shows the entire film as it was put together by frontline Soviet military photographers, but includes that explanatory information as well as interviews with the only surviving Russian cameraman alive today.  
52 minutes.  In English and German; in very good quality. 
LE RETOUR  (1945): In 1940 Henri Cartier-Bresson was taken prisoner by the Germans; escapes at his third attempt in February 1943.  In 1945 he works as part of a team, photographs the Liberation of Paris and directs Le Retour (The Return), a documentary on the repatriation of prisoners of war and detainees.  Le Retour is the story of the prisoners liberated from the Nazi concentration camps.  This film footage of the expressions and reactions from prisoners at the time of their freedom is unforgettable.  Included is the removal of the prisoners to temporary hospitals in Paris where they are reunited with family and friends.  Also, an aerial view of bombed Germany which was presumed to be seen by the prisoners as they were being flown home. 
32 minutes.  In French with optional English subtitles.  Very good quality. REGION FREE
DVD-R IS Approximately 84 minutes total.