Artikelnummer 3439 Verfügbarkeit THE YIDDISH KING LEAR (1935) * with hard-encoded English subtitles * Harry Thomashefsky Writers: Abraham Armband, Jacob Gordin (play) Stars: Esther Adler, Jacob Bergreen, Miriam Grossman Geben Sie eine Produktbewertung ab. Alter Preis: $13.99 Preis: $9.99 Menge: In den Warenkorb Weitersagen Fragen zum Artikel? Zur Wunschliste hinzufügen DetailsVorliegende Bewertungen During Seder, the pious, patriarchal father of three daughters announces, that he's dividing his fortune among them and going to Jerusalem to live out the remaining days of his life. The father refuses to listen to the warning from his virtuous daughter, who defied his authority by becoming a student in St. Petersburg. Soon, the scheming of one son-in-law and the self-righteous indolence of another soon results in poverty and disgrace for the father. There will be lots of pain and agony --- especially for the viewers --- before the moral of the story reveals itself. DVD-R is in Yiddish with hard-encoded English subtitles. Approx. 83 mins. + a 13 min. contemporary newsreel. Unsharp and "wavy" film quality (see sample). Geben Sie eine Produktbewertung ab. Ähnliche Produkte 5 DVD SET: THE BUYER'S CHOICE OF JEWISH CINEMA... $62.95 AMERICAN MATCHMAKER (1940) * with hard-encode... $13.99 EAST AND WEST (1923) (Mezrach und Maarev, Ost... $13.99 HIS WIFE'S LOVER (1931) * with hard-encoded E... $13.99 I WANT TO BE A MOTHER (1937) * with hard-encod... $13.99 JEWISH LUCK (1925) * with hard-encoded Englis... $13.99 LANG IST DER WEG (1948) * with hard-encoded E... $13.99 MAMELE (1938) * with switchable and hard-enco... $9.99 MIRELE EFROS (1939) * with hard-encoded Engli... $13.99 MOTEL THE OPERATOR (Motl) (1939) * with hard-e... $13.99 < > Benutzer, die diesen Artikel gekauft haben, haben auch gekauft THREE DAUGHTERS (1949) * with hard-encoded En... $13.99 OVERTURE TO GLORY (1940) * with hard-encoded... $13.99 THE JEWISH MELODY (1940) * with hard-encoded... $13.99 HIS WIFE'S LOVER (1931) * with hard-encoded E... $13.99 MOTEL THE OPERATOR (Motl) (1939) * with hard-e... $13.99 A VILNA LEGEND (1933) * with hard-encoded Eng... $13.99 WITHOUT A HOME (1939) (On a Heym) * with hard... $13.99 NEIGHBORS (1938) * with hard-encoded English... $13.99 MIRELE EFROS (1939) * with hard-encoded Engli... $13.99 THE LAST COMMAND (1928) * with English intert... $13.99 FRASQUITA (1934) $9.99 YIDDISHE MAMA (Mothers of Today) (1939) * with... $13.99 CATSKILL HONEYMOON (1950) * with hard-encoded... $14.99 JEWISH LUCK (1925) * with hard-encoded Englis... $13.99 I WANT TO BE A MOTHER (1937) * with hard-encod... $13.99 HER SECOND MOTHER (1940) * with hard-encoded... $13.99 THE LIGHT AHEAD (Fishke the Lame) (1939) * wit... $13.99 OUR CHILDREN (1948) * with hard-encoded Engli... $13.99 THE LIVING ORPHAN (1939) * with hard-encoded... $13.99 YIDL MITN FIDL (1936) * with hard-encoded Eng... $13.99 MAMELE (1938) * with switchable and hard-enco... $9.99 TEVYE (1939) * with hard-encoded English subt... $15.99 CESTA DO PRAVEKU (1955) * with switchable Eng... $13.99 DIE GEZEICHNETEN (The Stigmatized) (1922) * wi... $13.99 A BRIVELE DER MAMEN (A LETTER TO MAMA) (1938)... $16.99 < > Tags Der yiddishe Koenig Lear (1) , Der yidishe Kenigen Lir (1)