Tore takes over the rundown family farm. Applying his youthful energy, he intends to make it into a big farm like Glomgården on the other side of the river, where beautiful Berit loves. Tore falls in love with her, but her father has promised her to rich Gjermund. As her wedding to Gjermund draws near, Berit runs away and seeks refuge with Tore and his parents. She soon falls deathly ill but recovers, asking for, and getting, her father's permission to marry Tore. Jealous Gjermund is determined to prevent their wedding, however, in a dramatic climactic scene playing out around the rushing river.
The Bride of Glomdal is a melodrama kept in a light tone, and nature is a significant co-actor. Gorgeous mountains and a rushing river frame the film, which was shot in the Norwegian high summer. Very unusually for Dreyer, he was not particularly well prepared for this film. No real script existed and he reportedly read the book on which the film is based on the train to Norway. Moreover, the film was shot in a very short time, because the actors had to return to the theatres after their summer vacation. The film is distinguished by some dramatic scenes with cross-cutting inspired by D.W. Griffith. The scenes fall toward the end of the film, when Tore has to dramatically ford the river to get his Berit. We are treated to a romantic and happy end, a quite uncharacteristic thing for Dreyer.
Filmen handlar om Tore Braaten, som återvänder hem till en nedgången gård, som han vill göra ännu finare än granngården på andra sidan älven. Han och grannflickan Berit Glomgaarden förälskar sig i varandra, till hennes fars förtvivlan. Fadern vill nämligen att dottern ska gifta sig rikt. Han tvingar dottern att gifta sig med en annan genom en lysning på falska premisser, men hon rymmer till Tore strax före bröllopet. Hon blir svårt sjuk och är nära att dö, men klarar sig. När hon söker försoning med sin far säger han att han inte har någon dotter, men när prästen klandrar honom för lysningsbedrägeriet ger han efter för dotterns vädjan.