SKU 6330

MACISTE IN KING SOLOMON'S MINES (1964) * with switchable English subtitles *

Piero Regnoli Reg Park ... Maciste / Samson Wandisa Guida Wandisa Guida ... Fazira Bruno Piergentili Bruno Piergentili ... Abucar (as Dan Harrison) Eleonora Bianchi Eleonora Bianchi ... Samara Elio Jotta Elio Jotta ... Riad (as Leonard G. Elliot) Carlo Tamberlani Carlo Tamberlani ... Zelea Giuseppe Addobbati Giuseppe Addobbati ... Namar Nino Persello Nino Persello ... Belal Bruno Scipioni Bruno Scipioni ... Kadar Loris Loddi Loris Loddi ... Vazma - Heir to the Throne

This time, Maciste is in darkest Africa. King Namar has built a temple on the site of Solomon's mines. Unfortunately for Namar, some of his nobles are a tad disloyal and they overthrow him in a coup with the intention of converting the temple back into mines. Lest you think they have popular support for their actions, be advised they've enslaved their own population and are forcing them to work down below. Fortunately, someone has Maciste's number and he comes by between protein shake breaks to depose the tyrants and put Namar back on the throne. Does he succeed? Hey, this is Maciste we're talking about!

La storia è ambientata in Africa, il re Namar ha edificato un tempio sul luogo in cui sorgevano le favolose miniere di Salomone. Alcuni nobili del regno, assetati di potere e di denaro riescono a deporre il sovrano con un colpo di stato e riconvertire il tempio nuovamente in miniere. Costringono tutta la popolazione a lavorare nelle miniere come schiavi. Maciste viene informato della situazione e decide di rimettere le cose a posto, deporrà i tiranni e ripristinerà il vecchio sovrano sul trono.

DVD-R has both Italian and English audio tracks with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 89 mins.  See film samples for sound and video quality!  


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