SKU 6077

LIBIDOMANIA (Sexual Aberration) (Sesso perverso) (1979) * with switchable English subtitles *

Bruno Mattei (as Jimmy Matheus), Richard von Krafft-Ebing (book) Norbert Gastell ... (voice) Esther Moser Esther Moser ... (archive footage) Gennarino Pappagalli Gennarino Pappagalli ... Psychiatrist Mimmo Poli Mimmo Poli ... Asian Manfred Seipold Manfred Seipold ... (voice)

Libidomania is a “documentary” about various sex-related topics, most labelled as “perversions”, to distance the filmmakers from the material. This harkens back to the classic mode of exploitation, the cautionary film. First, we get a classy bible quote about the birth of Eve, the beginning of human sexuality. Then, we get a quote from the purely-minded Kraft-Ebbing (whose Psychopathia Sexualis might be seen as proto-exploitation in its dual fetishization/condemnation). Finally, our thesis: “This film will attempt to illustrate sexual aberrations, help us to cure them, and help to understand others that are prey to them.” But, of course, the text is so overpowered by the images onscreen, it violently exits the room and the fetishisizing subtext becomes text by default.

DVD-R is in German with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 79 min. See film sample for audio and video quality!

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