In Ländern mit Alkoholverbot wird trotz aller Kontrollen getrunken, das Geschäft der Schmuggler blüht. Zollwachtmeister Arne Kolk gehört zu den Männern, die die Schmuggler um jeden Preis festsetzen wollen. Es ist auch ein persönliches Motiv, das Arne treibt, denn sein Bruder wurde in einer "Teestube", wo man billigen Fusel aus Tassen trinkt, erschossen. In jener Teestube trifft er bei Ermittlungen die reizvolle Sängerin Kaja. Sie umgarnt den Polizisten, nimmt ihn mit in ihre Garderobe und verführt ihn schließlich. Allerdings tut sie dies nicht nur aus Berechnung. Vielmehr will Kaja den Polizisten vor ihrem Bruder, dem Schmuggler Kai retten, einem skrupellosen Typ, der nicht gezögert hätte, auf Arne zu schießen. Dieser Umstand bewahrt Arne jedoch nicht davor, dass ihm gekündigt wird. Scheinbar aus Rache für diese Ungerechtigkeit schließt er sich einer Schmugglerbande an. Doch als die Polizei immer öfter geheime Alkohollager der Gang aushebt, liegt für die Verbrecher auf der Hand, wer der Verräter ist. Auf einem Schiff der Schmuggler kommt es zum dramatischen Finale.
It's the United States during the time of Prohibition and the American government has been just as successful at stopping drinking as they have been in the War on Drugs. Customs Officer Arne Kolk is one of those men who is determined to stop the alcohol smugglers at any price. And there's a reason for his fanaticism: his brother was shot in a speak-easy where they allegedly only served non-alcoholic, but oh-so-stimulating beverages. During an investigation of the incident, Kolk meets the attractive singer Kaja, whose beauty is more intoxicating than the beverages the bar is illegally serving. She ensnares the cop, lures him into her wardrobe and manages to thoroughly seduce him (against his will, of course). But there's more than mere calculation involved in her seduction of the policeman: more than lust, she wants to protect Arne from her brother, an unscrupulous smuggler, who wouldn't have given a second thought to shooting him. Arne, however, is not one to be dissuaded from reckless stupidity. With other motives other than legality, he manages to infiltrate the band of smugglers in an attempt to mix justice and revenge. But while Arne may be a good cop, intellectually, the man's a moron: Up til then, the smuggling operation was going splendidly; but ever since Arne joined the gang, the cops have been busting up operation after operation. It doesn't take the smugglers long to figure out there's a rat among them. And while the smugglers are indeed products of an American public school education, even they are soon able to figure out that the rat must be .... duhhh! Eventually, there's a scene with a ship ... and smugglers ... and smuggling ... and a dramatic finale involving nasty things going down.
DVD-R is in German with no subtitles. Approx. 85 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!