Vienna, at the turn of the 19th into the 20th Century: the farmer's daughter Anuschka loses her farm after the death of her father, who was in debt to the rich, hard-hearted farmer Nowarek and her adorable son, Jaro. Anuschka journeys to Vienna to ask help from the surgeon Felix von Hartberg, who once operated on her father. Professor von Hartberg hires her as a maid. His wife Eva, however, flirts big time with the lawyer, Dr. Sasha Wendt and as a token of her lust, sends him her husband's gold lighter. Through a series of stupid coincidences, this very lighter ends up in Anuschka's possession, whereby von Hartberg accuses her of stealing and promptly fires her.
Wien um die letzte Jahrhundertwende: Die Bauerntochter Anuschka verliert ihren Hof, nachdem ihr verschuldeter Vater gestorben ist, an die reiche, hartherzige Bäuerin Nowarek und deren liebenswerten Sohn Jaro. Sie fährt nach Wien, um den Chirurgen Felix von Hartberg, der ihren Vater einst operierte, um Hilfe zu bitten. Professor von Hartberg gibt ihr eine Stelle als Dienstmädchen. Seine Frau Eva flirtet indes heftig mit dem Anwalt Dr. Sascha Wendt und schenkt ihm als Liebesbeweis gar ein goldenes Feuerzeug ihres Mannes. Durch eine Reihe dummer Zufälle gerät dieses Feuerzeug in Anuschkas Besitz, weshalb von Hartberg sie des Diebstahls verdächtigt und fristlos entlässt.
THERE IS A NEWSREEL ALONG WITH THE FILM, JUST AS GERMAN AUDIENCES MIGHT HAVE SEEN WHEN THE MOVIE WAS FIRST SHOWN (except this newsreel may not be contemporary to when the film was released).
DVD-R IS IN GERMAN WITH NO SUBTITLES (except for the Newsreel).
QUALITY (of feature film only):
· Digital Quality? - no
· Sharpness of picture? - soft features and snowy, but distinct, nonetheless