A marriage is in big trouble, because easily-excited Philine believes she keeps hearing the voice of her beloved --- but very dead --- first husband, Leo. Naturally, her second husband Fritz, a schnapps manufacturer, is having just a teeny-weeny hard time not being offended by all of this. And because this isn't much of a plot, we've got to include happy-go-lucky Susanne in the picture, who, for some reason, needs the attention of a down-and-out musical genius by the name of Paul Theodor. Then, there's the charming Margot, who, together with the rundown musician, employs sometimes over-the-top slapstick to keep the comedy going. But if that's not enough, then get to know Isolde, a duck, who's used over and over again in an attempt to tickle your funnybone. (Oh, did I mention Hans Albers is in the movie? That's okay: he didn't mention it much afterwards either).
Eine Ehe gerät in die Krise, weil die leicht überkandidelte Philine immer öfter die Stimme ihres seligen ersten Mannes Leo zu hören glaubt, was natürlich ihren zweiten Gatten, den Schnapsfabrikanten Fritz ziemlich heftig auf die Palme bringt. Weil das alles ein wenig dürftig ist, müssen die fröhliche Susanne, das etwas herunter gekommene Musikgenie Paul Theodor sowie die charmante Margot mit ihren Auftritten den verworrenen Ulk mit oftmals übertriebener Situationskomik retten. Eine entsprechende Rolle spielt dabei auch die Ente Isolde, die immer wieder eingesetzt wird, um die Lachmuskeln irgendwie zu reizen.
DVD-R is in German with no subtitles. Approx. 85 mins. See video sample for picture and audio quality!