Artikelnummer 2388

LISELOTTE VON DER PFALZ (1935) * with switchable English subtitles and hard-encoded Czech subtitles *

Carl Froelich Writers: Carl Froelich, Karl Peter Gillmann, and 1 more credit » Stars: Renate Müller, Eugen Klöpfer and Maria Krahn

Zur Zeit Ludwig XIV., des Sonnenkönigs: Dem verarmten Kurfürsten von der Pfalz gelingt es, seine Tochter Liselotte mit dem Herzog Philipp von Orléans zu verheiraten, dem Bruder des französischen Königs. Obwohl Philipp sich ihr gegenüber abweisend benimmt, versucht Liselotte ihm eine gute Ehefrau zu sein und legt sogar ein gutes Wort für ihn beim König ein, dem sie gut gefällt. Jedoch als Frankreich die Pfalz für sich beansprucht, gelingt es Liselotte nicht, Ludwig XIV. umzustimmen. Kurzentschlossen reist sie in ihre bedrohte Heimat. Das wiederum beeindruckt ihren Ehemann Philipp so, dass er ihr nachreist und sie davon überzeugt, dass sie an seine Seite gehört. 

It’s the time of Louis XIV, the Sun King.  The impoverished Elector of the Palatine is successful in marrying off his daughter Liselotte to Philipp, the Duke of Orleans and the brother to the French king.  Although Philipp’s behavior towards her is dismissive, Liselotte tries to be a good wife and even puts in a good word for him with the king, who has the hots for his brother’s wife.  When France claims hegemony over the Palatinate, Liselott isn’t successful in convincing Louis XIV to allow her to administer the region as its true, hereditary ruler and to thus soften the blow of French occupation.  She spontaneously decides to travel to her home, which the French minister of war is now threatening to turn into a literal desert to protect France’s eastern borders from any future German aggression.  Her dedication to her people and her support for him so impresses her husband Philipp, that he travels after her and convinces her to stay in France and work for the benefit of her people at his side.


THERE IS A NEWSREEL ALONG WITH THE FILM, JUST AS GERMAN AUDIENCES MIGHT HAVE SEEN WHEN THE MOVIE WAS FIRST SHOWN (except this newsreel may not be contemporary to when the film was released).

DVD-R IS IN GERMAN WITH HARD-ENCODED CZECH SUBTITLES AND SWITCHABLE ENGLISH SUBTITLES (except for the Newsreel). The final credits are cut off, but this does not detract from the rest of the film. 




Don't sell your daughters to the enemy, 22.04.2021 17:48
Von: Wolfie
Because they will repeatedly devastate your country anyway. That's what happened to the Palatine despite Liselotte's marriage to the brother of Sun King Louis XIV.
This movie puts a more positive spin on things, the French King is just a 'little' lecherous, but basically a good guy and Liselotte's hubby is portrayed as a proto-revolutionary near-idealist, who just seems to...forget...that he's got a pretty young wife at home....
A German wife. Good for having lots of children - according to the King. French ladies having a weaker constitution - according to the King.
The movie does stop suddenly, I'm guessing there may be about 5-10 minutes missing from the end.
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