Master shoemaker Stangelmeier never expected that a baron would name him as his heir, simply because Stangelmeier saved his life a few years earlier. But suddenly, the old shoemaker is richer by about a million more Marks! Unfortunately, the money makes him arrogant and vain: for one thing, he wants nothing to do with his old friends. He even forbids his daughter Annerl from having any kind of contact with the carpenter Xaverl, although she very much wants to marry him. Stangelmeier moves into the home of the deceased baron and spares no effort to live up to the image expected of a "rich gentleman". He even attempts to get in good with established nobility and hides his bourgeois origins. But because of his inexperience, he soon ends up in the trap of an aristocratic conman couple: Countess Kolontay and Prince Walefsky. When Walefsky shows an interest in Stangelmeier's daughter, he is thrilled: a prince as a son-in-law! Of course, the whole thing is simply a trick to get at Stangelmeier's money.
Schustermeister Stangelmeier hätte nie damit gerechnet, dass ausgerechnet ein Baron ihn als Universalerben einsetzen würde, nur weil Stangelmeier diesem vor ein paar Jahren das Leben gerettet hat. Aber plötzlich ist der alte Schuster um eine Million reicher. Doch das Geld macht ihn arrogant und eitel: Mit seinen alten Freunden will er nichts mehr zu tun haben. Selbst seiner Tochter Annerl verbietet er den Umgang mit dem Schreiner Xaverl, obwohl diese heiraten wollten. Stangelmeier zieht in die Residenz des verstorbenen Barons und gibt sich alle Mühe, den Erwartungen, die man an einen "reichen Herrn" stellt, gerecht zu werden. Er sucht den Kontakt zum "alten" Adel und verleugnet seine bürgerliche Herkunft. Durch seine Unerfahrenheit geht er schließlich einem vermeintlich adeligen Hochstaplerpärchen auf den Leim: Gräfin Kolontay und Fürst Walefsky. Als Walefsky Interesse an Stangelmeiers Tochter bekundet, ist dieser überglücklich: ein Fürst als Schwiegersohn! Natürlich ist das Ganze nur ein Trick, um an Stangelmeiers Geld heranzukommen.
THERE IS A NEWSREEL ALONG WITH THE FILM, JUST AS GERMAN AUDIENCES MIGHT HAVE SEEN WHEN THE MOVIE WAS FIRST SHOWN (except this newsreel may not be contemporary to when the film was released).
DVD-R IS IN GERMAN WITH NO SUBTITLES (except for the Newsreel).
QUALITY (of feature film only):
· Digital Quality? -no
· Sharp border features (edges of faces, buildings, etc.)? - no, but quite distinct
· Sharpness within the border features (inside the borders of the face, for example)? - no, but distinct
· Other notable issues? - very good film quality with softness and some blur, especially when the "subject" is not close up on the frame.