Photo samples for version in German without subtitles:

Photo samples for version in German with hard-encoded English subtitles:

The Fifties in Berlin: A time of petticoats and rock 'n' roll. The boundaries between the Sectors are still open, but the Cold War has already started casting its shadows on the metropolis. This goes for the two friends Dieter and Kohle, who flee into the West after an accident on Schonhauser Allee. They experience dubious care in a detention center there, which, eventually, will cost the life of one of them.
50er Jahre in Berlin, die Zeit von Petticoat und Rock ‘n’ Roll. Noch sind die Sektorengrenzen offen, doch der kalte Krieg wirft bereits seine Schatten auf die Millionenstadt. Auch auf die beiden Freunde Dieter und Kohle, die nach einem Unfall aus der Schönhauser Allee in den Westen fliehen. In einem Auffanglager erleben sie dort eine zweifelhafte Fürsorge, die einen der beiden das Leben kostet.
DVD-R is available either in German with no subtitles or in German with hard-encoded English subtitles (select from drop-down menu above). Approx. 79 mins. See video sample for film and audio quality!
Film samples for version in German without subtitles:

Film samples for version in German with hard-encoded English subtitles: