Der Propagandafilm spielt in China im Jahr 1900: Im ganzen Land toben Aufstände. Die Chinesen wollen wieder die Herrschaft über ihr Land erobern. Alle Europäer sollen aus dem chinesischen Reich vertrieben werden, koste es, was es wolle. In einem Zug, der ausländische Flüchtlinge transportiert, schmuggelt Tu-Hang, der chinesische Angestellte eines deutschen Fabrikanten, Granaten. Die Fabrik seines ahnungslosen Chefs ist ein guter Deckmantel, Kontrollen sind daher nicht zu befürchten. Maria, die Schwester seines Chefs, vertraut Tu-Hang blind, er kann sie sogar überreden, nach Peking zu reisen, anstatt zurück nach Europa, wie es geplant war.
It is 1900 and most of China is occupied and/or dominated by European colonial powers (as well as Japan). Throughout the land, the Boxer Rebellion against foreign imperialism is in full swing. The Chinese want to take over control of their own nation. That, of course, means the expulsion of all the European powers. In a train, which is transporting foreign refugees to safety, Tu Hang, the Chinese representative of a German factory, is smuggling grenades. The factory, which is controlled by his clueless, foreign boss, is the perfect cover for the smuggling operation: inspections and oversight of their operations never takes place. Maria, the boss' sister, blindly trusts Tu Hang. He is even capable of convincing her to travel to Peking in the middle of a revolt, rather than returning to Europe, as she originally planned.
DVD-R is in German with no subtitles. Approx. 85 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!