Celebrated singer and movie star Edda Vivian, who has secretly married her lover, Prince Alba, has arrived in Vienna as part of a promotional tour. Her manager, Toni Miller, who is completely unaware of her married state and the husband she is hiding in her hotel suite, has arranged a publicity stunt—an auction to be held at a ball where Edda Vivian is supposed to give a kiss to the highest bidder, with the money to be given to charity. At the same time Franz Angerer, a student of philology, arrives in Vienna, where he wants to attend a conference. He is put up by his Uncle Ferdinand, who works as a butler for Direktor Wiesinger, the owner of a record company. In the course of the action Angerer is mistaken for several other people, in particular, Prince Alba. However, he only has eyes for Wiesinger's daughter, Dore.
Anläßlich eines Wohltätigkeitsballs in Wien soll ein Kuß einer berühmten Filmschauspielerin versteigert werden. Mißverständnisse zwischen dem Manager des Filmstars, einem Schallplattenproduzenten und einem Studenten führen zu allerlei Verwechslungen, während der der Student für einen verkappten Prinzen gehalten wird und beinahe sein Liebesglück zerbricht.
DVD-r is in German with no subtitles. Approx. 82 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!