SKU 3567

PEOPLE IN THE SUMMER NIGHT (Ihmiset Suviyossa) (1948) * with switchable English, Swedish, and French subtitles *

Martti Katajisto Nokia Matti Oravisto Arvid Eila Pehkonen Helka Emma Väänänen Hilja Syrjämäki Eero Roine Jalmari Syrjämäki Tellervo Nokelainen Selma Teliranta Maija Nuutinen Old lady of Telira

The fates of various characters become interlaced over a long and light-filled Summer night in the Finnish countryside. Lumberjacks, a deer-eyed young man Nokia, a family of poor farmers, a young girl and her lover... New life is born, old life dies, man is slain in his prime, and his widow continues her life.

DVD-R is in Finnish with switchable English, Swedish, and French subtitles. Approx. 63 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!

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