SKU 2889


Eugen York Writers: Friedrich Hartau (play), Heinz Otto Jahn (book), 1 more credit » Stars: Sybille Schmitz, Karl John, Margarete Haagen

Gegen Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs, während des Rückzugs der deutschen Truppen in die Normandie, sprengt eine Französin, die Mitglied der Résistance ist, einen Staudamm in die Luft, um die Deutschen zu behindern. Sie wird erfasst, wegen Sabotage zum Tode verurteilt und soll noch in der gleichen Nacht erschossen werden. Sie kommt ins Gespräch mit einem jungen deutschen Offizier, der einer Einheit angehört, die auf verlorenem Posten steht, und der daher auch seinen baldigen Tod vor Augen hat. Die beiden Menschen kommen sich in dieser Nacht immer näher. Schließlich lässt er sie entfliehen und kommt dafür selbst vor ein Kriegsgericht.

Towards the end of the Second World War, during the withdrawal of German troops from Normandy, a Frenchwoman, a member of the resistance, blows up a dam to prevent the Germans from getting away.  She’s caught and sentenced to death for sabotage and is to be shot that same evening.  She gets into a conversation with a young, German officer, whose unit is in a hopeless situation and who expects to die very soon.  The two get closer in the night and he lets her escape, for which he is court martialed.



QUALITY (of feature film only): 


·        Sharpness of picture?  - distinct picture, for the most part, but heavy pixellization issues







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Die letzte Nacht, 3/16/2014 11:19 AM
From: pferde
If you like Sybille Schmitz, as I do, this is an absolute MUST. This is a very rare film indeed and I doubt if you will find a copy anywhere else, with surprisingly good picture quality no less. Besides the inimitable Miss Schmitz there is much to commend this picture. I think it ranks among the best of the immediate post war productions in Germany, trying to come to terms with our recent past. Of course, nobody wanted to see it at the time. Gloom and doom was not en vogue any longer. All the more I consider myself fortunate to be able to have a look at it now. Along with Liebeneiner's "Liebe 47" it is certainly one the very best films of its time. Highly recommended.
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