SKU 1718


Walter Felsenstein, Paul Kemp, Margit Debar and Elsa Wagner

Having grown up without a family; overly sensitive and bitter; the 45 year old bachlor Rigattieri has become isolated and has withdrawn from the world.  Suddenly and quite innocently, he comes under suspicion of having violate public morals and is sentenced to a long term in prison.  Since he has the possibility to appeal his case, he remains at large.  Rigattieri goes through a severe crisis and decides to end his life.  Then he meets a young woman, who also wants to kill herself because of love troubles.  He saves her just in time and understands for the first time in his life, that there are many unhappy and lonely people.

Ohne Familie aufgewachsen, empfindlich und verbittert, hat sich der 45-jährige Junggeselle Rigattieri zu einem verknöcherten Mann entwickelt und von der Welt zurückgezogen. Plötzlich gerät er – völlig unschuldig – in den Verdacht, gegen die Sittlichkeit verstoßen zu haben und wird zu einer hohen Gefängnisstrafe verurteilt. Da er Berufung einlegen kann, bleibt er auf freiem Fuß. Rigattieri erlebt eine schwere Krise und will sich das Leben nehmen.  Da begegnet er einem jungen Mädchen, das aus Liebeskummer auch aus dem Leben scheiden will. Rechtzeitig kann er sie retten und begreift zum ersten Mal, dass es viele unglückliche und einsame Menschen gibt.

THERE IS A NEWSREEL ALONG WITH THE FILM, JUST AS GERMAN AUDIENCES MIGHT HAVE SEEN WHEN THE MOVIE WAS FIRST SHOWN (except this newsreel may not be contemporary to when the film was released).

DVD-R IS IN GERMAN WITH NO SUBTITLES (except for the Newsreel).

QUALITY (of feature film only): 


·        Digital Quality?  - no

·        Sharpness of picture?  - some softness and unsharp features; overall decent quality

·        Other notable issues?  - quite a bit of dropouts and black snow in the picture