In 1914, a girl of the streets is befriended by two dashing young officers, an Austrian and a Russian. Both fall in love with her, but she picks the Austrian. When the First World War begins, her town is overrun by Russians, lead by the once charming, now vengeful, officer, who takes her prisoner and threatens death if she won't marry him.
DVD-R has English intertitles with no subtitles. Approx. 104 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!
A father insists that a man, who wants to marry his daughter, first prove he can do something more worthwhile than acting the playboy. The gigolo joins the Navy and his ship docks in a Middle Eastern kingdom, where the girl and her father also show up by private yacht. Then the local maharajah kidnaps the possible-bride-to-be and the playboy has to go rescue her.
DVD-R has English intertitles with no subtitles. Approx. 46 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!