PLEASE NOTE: There are minor freezes in the movie which we have not been able to repair.
Under the pressure of a sensationalist-reporter, mountain guide Anderl decides to climb the north face of the Eiger Cliff. When his friend Peter hears about it, he decides to follow him, although his girlfriend Clarissa demands he not do so. In the snow and ice, there's a dramatic confrontation with a rival, Marius, who hopes to profit from the climb in his own way.
Unter dem Druck eines Sensationsreporters wagt der Bergführer Anderl den Aufstieg in die Eiger-Nordwand. Als sein Freund Peter davon erfährt, folgt er ihm, obwohl er sich auf Bitten seiner Freundin Clarissa zuerst nicht anschließen wollte. Im Schnee und Eis kommt es zur dramatischen Begegnung mit dem Rivalen Marius, der auf seine Weise zu profitieren hofft.
DVD-R comes in two versions:
1) In German with switchable German subtitles;
2) In German with switchable German and English subtitles
Approx. 86 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!