When young journalist Wolf opens the door to a changing booth at the beach in Wannsee, he finds it's already occupied by Claire. And what a fateful meeting it turns out to be! They soon end up meeting more and more often and growing closer and closer to one another. But is it "The Great Love" for either of them? To find out, the two take a trip to the provincial town of Rheinsberg. A little vacation away from turbulent Berlin in this idyll of the German Rheinland should bring some clarity about their feelings for one another.
Sentimental, kitschy and painting a picture of life that could only exist in books, the constant romance in the film is uncomfortably saccharine at times. Nor are the little digs directed at bureaucracy and militarism at the beginning of the 20th Century lost on the viewer ... a perhaps overdone, self-critical jab at the Germans themselves some 25 years after the end of the last war. The scriptwriter's attempt to display the closeness and infatuation between the two, while possibly considered cutesy and wonderfully romantic when the film was made, would most likely cause modern-day viewers to use such terms as "bipolar", "passive-aggressive", "co-dependent" and "neurotic". Nevertheless, for the romantic-at-heart, this is a film that will make one smile. Those cynical of love and marriage will probably be annoyed; and diabetics should certainly avoid sugary foods for at least 24 hours prior to watching this movie.
Als der junge Journalist Wolf im Strandbad Wannsee aus Versehen die falsche Kabinentür öffnet, macht er die Bekanntschaft der attraktiven Claire. Eine schicksalhafte Begegnung! Sie treffen sich immer häufiger und fühlen sich stark zueinander hingezogen. Aber ist es die große Liebe? Um seine Zweifel auszuräumen, reist das junge Paar in das Provinzstädtchen Rheinsberg. Der Urlaub fernab des turbulenten Berliner Stadtlebens soll den beiden Klarheit über ihre Gefühle bringen.
DVD-R is in German with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 81 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!