SKU 4299

QUILOMBO (1984) * with switchable English subtitles *

Tony Tornado Ganga Zumba Vera Fischer Ana de Ferro Antonio Pitanga Acaiuba Zezé Motta Dandara Grande Otelo Baba Daniel Filho Carrilho Maurício do Valle Dominingos Jorge Velho

Palmares is a 17th-century quilombo, a settlement of escaped slaves in northeast Brazil. In 1650, plantation slaves revolt and head for the mountains, where they find others led by the aged seer, Acotirene. She anoints one who becomes Ganga Zumba, a legendary king. For years, his warriors hold off Portuguese raiders; then he agrees to leave the mountains in exchange for reservation land and peace. It's a mistake: Zumbi, a warrior whose mother was killed by the Portuguese and spent 15 years with the Whites, stays in the mountains to lead Palmares. In 1694, the Portuguese launch an assault on the free Blacks. Can Zumbi keep Palmares free?

DVD-R is in Portuguese with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 119 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!

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