Railroad engineer Sisif rescues a small orphan, whose name is Norma. He raises the little girl as his own, along with his son Elie, whose mother died during childbirth. In time, Norma becomes a lively and playful young woman. Her greatest joy is time spent with Elie, by now a handsome violin maker, whom she believes to be her natural brother. But Sisif, to his horror, finds himself falling in love with his adopted daughter. Sisif confesses to a wealthy colleague, Hersan, Norma's origin and that he is attracted to her. Hersan threatens Sisif with blackmail if he does not consent to give Norma to him in marriage. Norma herself is reluctant, but is moved by the prospect of greater prosperity. Sisif reluctantly agrees to the marriage, and himself drives the train that will deliver Norma to her husband. Distraught, he drives recklessly, and nearly wrecks the train. After some months of marriage, Norma writes to say that it is unhappy. Elie discovers the truth about Norma's origin and reproaches his father for keeping it secret, thereby preventing Elie from marrying her before she married Hersan.
Le mécanicien-chef Sisif recueille une petite orpheline à la suite d'une catastrophe de chemin de fer. Elle s'appelle Norma et est élevée avec Élie, le fils de Sisif, à peu près du même âge. Tout semble aller pour le mieux, mais peu à peu Sisif se sent pris d'une étrange passion pour sa fille adoptive, s'accompagnant d'une jalousie qui s'étend à l'égard d'Élie également amoureux de Norma qu'il croit être sa sœur. Son comportement change, il devient alcoolique, ombrageux, soupçonneux, violent. Le charme de Norma a séduit un ingénieur, Monsieur de Hersan ; Sisif commet l'imprudence de lui avouer la passion qui a grandi en lui. Hersan le menace d'un chantage s'il ne consent pas à lui donner Norma. Celle-ci se résigne, et Sisif, conduisant le train qui emmène la jeune femme vers son nouveau destin, souhaite mourir avec elle. Grâce à son chauffeur, l'accident est évité. Sisif reporte son amour sur cette locomotive.
DVD-R has French intertitles with switchable English and German subtitles. Approx. 414 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!