Artikelnummer 1782


Arthur Maria Rabenalt, Hertha Feiler, Joachim Gottschalk and Ernst von Klipstein
The chemists Gildemeister and Engelbrecht experience the First World War together at the front.  Gildemeister, who withdrew from his comrades at the front, is thought to be dead.  So after the war ended, Engelbrecht continued running the company alone and used Gildemeister's savings in good faith.  A revolutionary new alloy is being worked on and Engelbrecht wants to get the contract for its manufacture, especially for Barbara Wrede, who still loves the missing Gildemeister.

Joachim Gottschalk, who appears in this film, and who was a much beloved actor in Germany, married a Jewish woman, Meta Wolff, shortly before the Nazis came to power, and they had a half-Jewish son, Michael. The Gottschalks managed to avoid the anti-Semitic Nuremberg laws and the rising tide of anti-Semitic violence in Nazi Germany, because of his immense popularity with the public. Then, in an extraordinarily unwise and tactless move, Gottschalk took his Jewish wife to a social function and introduced her to some of the prominent Nazis, who were present. Although the Nazis were charmed, propaganda chief Josef Goebbels learned about the incident and ordered Gottschalk to separate from his wife. When Gottschalk refused, Goebbels ordered the wife and child to be transported to Theresienstadt. Gottschalk insisted on accompanying them, which Goebbels tried to prevent by ordering him to report to duty in the Wehrmacht.

In November 1941, minutes before the expected arrival of the Gestapo, Gottschalk and his wife sedated their son and then committed suicide by opening the gas taps on their stove. Goebbels ordered that no mention of Gottschalk be made from that point on in the newspapers, but word got out anyway and millions of German women mourned his death. Because of Nazi censorship, most of his devoted fans never learned the circumstance of his death until after war's end.

Die Chemiker Gildemeister und Engelbrecht erleben gemeinsam den Weltkrieg an der Front. Gildemeister, der sich von der Truppe entfernt hat, gilt als tot. So führt Engelbrecht nach seiner Rückkehr aus dem Krieg das Unternehmen allein weiter und benutzt zum Aufbau in gutem Glauben Gildemeisters Ersparnisse. Man arbeitet an einer revolutionären Legierung. Engelbrecht will das Werk unbedingt erhalten, auch für Barbara Wrede, die den verschollenen Gildemeister noch immer liebt.


THERE IS A NEWSREEL ALONG WITH THE FILM, JUST AS GERMAN AUDIENCES MIGHT HAVE SEEN WHEN THE MOVIE WAS FIRST SHOWN (except this newsreel may not be contemporary to when the film was released).

DVD-R IS IN GERMAN WITH NO SUBTITLES (except for the Newsreel).

QUALITY (of feature film only): 


·        Sharpness of picture?  - unsharp and indistinct.  Dark tinted and "cloudy"






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