Marmalade-manufacturer Theodor Hagemann is really clueless when it comes to financial matters. When he sponsors a starving artist, he ends up losing a fortune. His strict wife and business partner Rosa even speaks to a psychiatrist about him. Total waste of time. So Rosa decides to control the finances with an iron fist. This, of course, doesn't stop her dangerously stupid husband from once more going to the aid of a struggling artist --- this time, a singer deep in debt. The singer's able to pay off her obligations thanks to Theodor. He, on the other hand, is now broke. Penniless, he turns to a good friend, who gets Theo a "secret" job at a classy hotel. Working as a late-night, room service waiter, he's a smash hit ... that is, he smashes almost all the hotel's dishes, as he's as incompetent with a tray as he is with money. Surprisingly, in spite of his bull-in-a-china-shop style, he manages to improve his performance at the hotel and successfully work his way down from factory owner to minimum-wage wait staff. Bravo!
Marmeladenfabrikant Theodor Hagemann hat keinen Sinn fürs Geschäft. Als Sponsor verkannter Künstler verschleudert er ein Vermögen. Seine strenge Gattin und Geschäftsführerin Rosa hat deswegen schon einen Psychiater konsultiert, zwecklos. Rosa kontrolliert nun die Finanzen mit eiserner Hand, und als Theo wieder einmal einer verschuldeten Sängerin großzügig aus der Patsche hilft, ist er endgültig pleite. Durch die Vermittlung eines guten Freundes erhält Theo einen "geheimen" Job in einem Nobelhotel. Als Zimmerkellner im Nachtdienst zerschlägt er fast das gesamte Geschirr - doch mit seiner anarchischen Destruktivität stößt der müde Theodor überraschend in eine Marktlücke.
DVD-R is in German with no subtitles. Approx. 91 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!