SKU 1869

WENN DU JUNG BIST, GEHÖRT DIR DIE WELT (1934) * with hard-encoded Dutch subtitles *

Henry Oebels-Oebström, Richard Oswald, Joseph Schmidt, Otto Treßler and Lilliane Dietz

Carlo the gardener has managed to find fame and fortune with his wonderful voice.  But he has a rival for the favors of the beautiful Lisetta:  Roberto, his childhood friend.
Gärtnersbursche Carlo gelingt es, mit seiner wunderschönen Stimme zu Ruhm und Reichtum zu kommen. Doch in der Gunst der schönen Lisetta hat er einen Rivalen: Roberto, seinen Freund aus Jugendzeiten.


DVD-R is in German with hard-encoded Dutch subtitles. Approx. 75 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!


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Product tags

hört (10) ,
HORT (6)