SKU 5942

DIE ENDLOSE NACHT (1963) * with switchable English, German and Spanish subtitles *

Will Tremper Karin Hübner ... Lisa (as Karin Huebner) Louise Martini Louise Martini ... Mascha Harald Leipnitz Harald Leipnitz ... Wolfgang Spitz Hannelore Elsner Hannelore Elsner ... Silvia Stössi Bruce Low Bruce Low ... John McLeod Alexandra Stewart Alexandra Stewart ... Juanita Paul Esser Paul Esser ... J. M. Schreiber Werner Peters Werner Peters ... Herbert Walter Buschhoff Walter Buschhoff ... Ernst Kramer Lore Hartling Lore Hartling ... Frau Achtel Wolfgang Spier Wolfgang Spier ... Dr. Achtel Oscar Sabo Oscar Sabo Hans Hardt Hans Hardt Fritz Rémond Jr. Fritz Rémond Jr. ... Emil Stoltmann (as Fritz Rémond) Mario Adorf Mario Adorf ... Juanitas Bekannter

Tempelhof airport, Berlin: Thick fog causes the cancellation of all flights into and out of the city and the result is a great many passengers condemned to spend the night on the floor of the airport.  Among them is a businessman, who is facing ruin and doesn't shy away from casting off his girlfriend to another man in order to save himself. A young actress has spent her last penny at the hairdresser and is stranded in a strange city. A farmer from Kenya falls spontaneously in love with a woman and offers her a new life. Not recommended viewing for passengers stuck in the airport waiting for their flight to leave.

Berlin, Flughafen Tempelhof. Auf Grund eines Sturms fallen sämtliche Flüge aus. Zahlreiche Reisende sitzen in dieser Nacht am Flughafen fest. Mit beinahe dokumentarischem Gestus erzählt Trempers mit einem Filmband in Gold ausgezeichneter Film davon, wie sich in dieser Nacht die Schicksale höchst unterschiedlicher Charaktere kreuzen, und wie sich ihr Leben dadurch nachhaltig verändert.

DVD-R is in German with switchable English, German and Spanish subtitles. Approx. 82 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!

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