Lex Barker plays a German Marcus Welby, the ideal doctor, who's there for his patients day and night. His beautiful young wife is incapable of bearing children and is therefore insanely jealous whenever she sees any overweight woman who just might be pregnant. Needless to say, things don't get any better when the doctor's childhood sweetheart shows up one day. And while she isn't with child, her determination to win back our hero doesn't exactly ease his wife's insecurities. When Lex' character finds out the young woman's terminally ill, he pretends to be interested in her and stupidly tells the barracuda, that he could fall in love with her again. Meanwhile, an underage patient is trying to blackmail him into giving her an abortion. His assistant is all too aware of everything that's going on and will stop at nothing to see his superior canned and get his job. In the end, the childhood sweetheart from Hell croaks in doc's arms; this leads to him and his wife reconciling (don't ask me how!) and the assistant receives his just punishment (no doubt having to watch this film over and over again until insanity kicks in).
Lex Barker als edler Chefarzt, der Tag und Nacht für seine Patientinnen da ist. Seine junge schöne Frau kann selber keine Kinder bekommen und ist deshalb krankhaft eifersüchtig, ein Zustand, der sich noch steigert, als die Jugendliebe des Chefarztes wieder auftaucht und ihn zurückgewinnen will. Als er feststellt, dass die junge Frau unheilbar krank ist, spielt er ihr vor, er würde sie immer noch lieben. Währenddessen versucht eine minderjährige Patientin, ihn zu erpressen und dazu zu zwingen, eine illegale Abtreibung an ihr vorzunehmen. Der intrigante Assistenzarzt will die Gelegenheit nutzen, den Chef zu verdrängen. Am Ende stirbt die Jugendliebe in den Armen des Chefarztes, er und seine Frau finden wieder zueinander, und der Assistenzarzt erhält seine gerechte Strafe.
DVD-R is in German with no subtitles. Approx. 92 mins. See video sample for picture and audio quality!