SKU 116 Availability 2 CD SET: MUSIC AND MARCHES OF THE EAST GERMAN ARMY III Be the first to review this product $12.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews PLEASE NOTE: if you choose a download, the files come in .nrg format, which need to be burned to a disc(s). If you do not know how to do this, please do NOT order a download! These selections were recorded throughout the years by East German military and police units, as well as the secret police (Stasi) and various musical groups and musicians from the late 1940s to the 1980s. They come from a number of different sources. We have digitally remastered the selections to get the best quality possible, but some pops and scratches may be present on some of the tracks. Here are the selections: RECORDED ON CD-Rs CLICK ON THE FOLLOWING TITLE TO HEAR A SAMPLE: 3. Die Internationale CD ONE: Wir sind die erste Reihe Unsterbliche Opfer Die Internationale Mein kleiner Bruder Postengang Soldaten singen Jetzt bist Du in der LPG Wenn die Kastanien und der Flieder wieder bluh'n Wir sind wachsam Du brauchst ja nicht aus Berlin zu sein Was ist denn an der Weberwiese los? Soldaritatslied Marsch der Fackeltrager Paradefanfare Locken zum Zapfenstreich Signal auf 20! Freie fahrt! Neues Heimatlied Marsch der Kampfgruppen der Arbeiterklasse Oktober hat uns geboren Zum Parteitag voran! Arbeitsmanner Festliche Zapfenstreichmusik Ehrung der Opfer des Faschismus und Militarismus Kleiner Zapfenstreich CD TWO: Dzierzynski-Lied An meinem Fenster stehn zwei Blumelein Freunde fur immer Zapfenstreichfinale Die Thalmann-Kolonne Schon wir die Zukunft sein Sportlermarsch O Abendklang I Herrlicher Baikal Suliko O Abendklang II Die 13 Jung sind die Linden Affenschande Mit Walter Ulbricht kampft sich's gut Pioniere voran! Die Grenzerkompanie Augen geradeaus Lieder der Partei Uberlegung Lenin, unser Freund Kundschafterlied Gruss an die Partei Kalinka Tausend Jahre in den Sielen Du hast ja ein Ziel vor den Augen Paddelboote klar Pionierlied Uberall - FDJ Marsch der Sowjetarmee Don't hesitate to buy these now! These recordings have been long out of print and very hard to find. We bring them to you with pleasure and think the DDR enthusiast will be very pleased. Be the first to review this product Related products 2 CD SET: MUSIC AND MARCHES OF THE EAST GERMAN... $12.99 2 CD SET: MUSIC AND MARCHES OF THE EAST GERMA... $12.99 MUSIC OF THE EAST GERMAN ARMY IV (+ POLISH SELE... $6.99 4 DVD SET: DIE DDR RUFT - EAST GERMAN NEWSREE... $33.99 < > Customers who bought this item also bought MUSIC OF THE EAST GERMAN ARMY IV (+ POLISH SELE... $6.99 2 CD SET: MUSIC AND MARCHES OF THE EAST GERMA... $12.99 2 CD SET: MUSIC AND MARCHES OF THE EAST GERMAN... $12.99 2 CD SET: MARCHES OF THE IMPERIAL GERMAN ARMY... $15.99 ICH LIEBE ALLE FRAUEN (1935) $10.99 WIENER MÄDELN (1945) * with or without switch... From $14.99 6 CD SET: SONGS WE LISTENED TO IN WORLD WAR TWO $49.99 CD - PRUSSIAN AND AUSTRIAN MARCHES $8.99 THE DANCING GIRL OF IZU (1933) * with switcha... $13.99 TWO FILM DVD: THE DOLL WITH MILLIONS (1928)... $13.99 NINE DAYS OF ONE YEAR (1962) * with hard-enco... $14.99 THE WHITE PLAGUE (Bílá nemoc) (1937) * with... $15.99 EINE NACHT IN VENEDIG (1953) $9.99 ES WAR EINMAL EIN WALZER (Cafe Vienes) (1932)... $9.99 DIE TRAPP FAMILIE IN AMERIKA (1958) * with sw... $14.99 HITLERs INFERNO - MARCHES, SONGS AND SPEECHES O... $10.99 < >