Artikelnummer 5421


F.M. Schilder (screenplay), Jochen Genzow (story) Stars: Joe Stöckel, Beppo Brem, Johannes Riemann

A ship's cook, Jonathan, and his friend Michel end up wandering around the streets of a Middle Eastern harbor during a stopover. They somehow manage to end up in the middle of a drug deal, get robbed and try their luck at playing private detectives. A 1950s idea of a comedy, which --- were it filmed today --- would have had them ending up dead in an alley after a drug deal gone bad.

Schiffskoch Jonathan und sein Freund Michel gehen nach langer Seereise in einer orientalischen Hafenstadt an Land. Sie geraten in eine Rauschgifthöhle, werden ausgeraubt und versuchen sich als Privatdetektive!

DVD-R is in German with no subtitles.  Approx. 77 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!

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