SKU 5268

ACH, EGON (1961)

Wolfgang Schleif Writers: Franz Arnold (play) (as Arnold), Ernst Bach (play) (as Bach) | 1 more credit » Stars: Heinz Erhardt, Corny Collins, Adrian Hoven

Pediatrician Waldemar Weber is desperate: on the very day he's to celebrate his first anniversary, his stepson Egon --- from his first marriage --- intends to drop by to announce he's getting married, too. The problem? Waldemar never told Wife #2 that there was a Wife #1. Doubtless, Waldemar must prevent Egon from dropping this bombshell. When Egon shows up at the house, there's another surprising piece of news for Waldemar: Egon's an animal trainer; and he's brought chimpanzees Kiki, Koko and Kaka with him. Needless to say, Waldemar's got his hands full trying to explain Egon's existence and hiding the chimps from his suspicious wife; but is hiding them in the bedroom such a good idea?

Another Heinz Erhardt comedy based on a plot where he's being dishonest for God-knows-what reason.

Der Kinderarzt Waldemar Weber ist verzweifelt: Ausgerechnet für seinen ersten Hochzeitstag hat sich sein Adoptivsohn Egon aus erster Ehe zu Besuch angekündigt, den Waldemar seiner jungen Gattin Henny stets verschwiegen hat. Waldemar muss Egon unbedingt abfangen. Als Egon dann doch vor der Tür steht, stellt der sich außerdem als Affendompteur heraus. Er hat auch noch seine Schimpansen Kiki, Koko und Kaka mitgebracht. Waldemar hat alle Hände voll zu tun, um Egons Existenz zu erklären, und die Schimpansen vor seiner misstrauischen Frau zu verstecken. Aber ob der Schlafzimmerschrank wirklich das geeignete Versteck ist?

DVD-R is in German with no subtitles.  Approx. 95 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!

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