Artikelnummer 6803

PINK STRING AND SEALING WAX (1945) * with switchable English subtitles *

Directed by Robert Hamer Written by Robert Hamer (script contribution) Screenplay by Diana Morgan Mervyn Johns as Mr. Edward Sutton Mary Merrall as Mrs. Ellen Sutton Gordon Jackson as David Sutton Jean Ireland as Victoria Sutton Sally Ann Howes as Margaret "Peggy" Sutton Colin Simpson as James Sutton David Wallbridge as Nicholas Sutton Googie Withers as Pearl Bond John Carol as Dan Powell Catherine Lacey as Miss Porter the gossip Garry Marsh as Joe Bond Pauline Letts as Louise Maudie Edwards as Mrs. Webster Frederick Piper as Dr. Pepper John Owers as Frank a barman Helen Goss as Maudie a barmaid Margaret Ritchie as Madame Adelina Patti Don Stannard as John Bevan John Ruddock as Judge Ronald Adam as Clerk of the Court Charles Carson as Editor Valentine Dyall as Police Inspector David Keir as Stage Door Keeper

A drunken, abusive tavern-keeper's adulterous wife uses the backward son of a rigid, puritanical pharmacist who makes his entire family miserable.

DVD-R is in English with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 89 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!

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