Artikelnummer 1336


Marika Rökk: Marika Sabo Bibi Johns: Tilly Karl Schönböck: Oskar Gessler Heli Finkenzeller: Mrs. Brown Oskar Sima: Mr. Brown Rudolf Vogel: Tibor Teleki Helga Schlack: Helga Teleki, seine Tochter Bill Ramsey: Bill Brown Hazy Osterwald: er selbst

Oskar Gessler, who is a bachelor, runs a business for baby supplies. When his American boss, Mr. Brown, announces an upcoming visit, Oskar starts sweating. You see, his beloved job isn't awarded based on talent or other merits; no, you have to be a dad yourself, otherwise, how could you possibly be worth the position? So Gessler comes up with an idea you've probably seen in lots of other films: find a wife and child. But not for real, of course ... Just ... borrow them for a little bit. Of course, it doesn't help that he previously lied about having a wife and five kiddies at home. Well, time to ask his former girlfriend Marika to play his wife and borrow some kids from his work colleagues. Can you really not guess what's going to happen next?

Der Junggeselle Oskar Gessler leitet ein Geschäft für Baby-Ausstattung. Als sein amerikanischer Boss, Mr. Brown, seinen Besuch ankündigt, sitzt er in der Bredouille: Spitzenpositionen wie diese vergibt Mr. Brown nämlich aus Prinzip nur an Familienväter – allein schon wegen der Glaubwürdigkeit. Gessler hatte bisher Ehefrau und fünfköpfigen Nachwuchs schlicht und einfach erfunden und muss sich nun aus der brenzligen Situation retten. 

DVD-R is in German with no subtitles. Approx. 83 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!

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