Artikelnummer 125

GERMAN PANORAMA # 07: 1942-43

In this series of eight films, Germany, its culture, people and landscapes are shown as they all looked like from 1942-1943:
Helferinnen der Wehrmacht  (1942):  this 2 minute film advertises the duties and responsibilities of those female helpers of the Wehrmacht, who played no less an important role in Germany's war effort than their male counterparts on the battlefield.  Too bad, such a small amount of film is devoted to their accomplishments.  Good VHS quality with some softness here and there;
Zeit im Bild:  Soldaten in Eis und Schnee  (1942):  considering the contents of this 10 minute film, it is very likely that this was produced shortly after the begin of the first winter campaign on the Eastern Front --- by the second winter, the miseries of winter fighting in Russia became all too familiar to everyone to need such an apologetic film, which tries to make light of the hardships the Germans faced fighting both the Bolsheviks and General Winter.  Good VHS quality film with some softness here and there;
Asse zur See - Unsere Schnellboote  (1943):  18 minute work filmed, unfortunately for the most part, during night operations, shows the accomplishments of the German S-boats  (sort of like PT boats) against the British.  Very soft quality film, but watchable;
Brandschutz  (1943):  It says a lot about the state of the War in Germany, that by 1943, they felt the need to make public announcement films on how to combat incendiaries and put out fires correctly.  This 4-minute film, whose point of centre takes place in an air raid shelter, is very informative and useful, even unto today.  Good VHS quality with some softness;
Einsatz der Jugend (1943):  This film also unintentionally portrays the true state of affairs in Germany in 1943, by, once again, starting off in an air raid shelter during a bombing raid by the English, even though the film has nothing to do with the subject.  This 20-minute film concerns how the youth in Germany under new management have given up their class differences and work together to build a better society.  Lots of community service shown and good ol' horseplay between the kids ... when they're not down in air raid shelters or doing duty as anti-aircraft helpers, that is.  Very soft quality VHS;
In the Forests von Katyn  (1943):  An absolute propaganda blockbuster-event for the Germans, this 8 minute film shows the exhumation and presentation of evidence in the Smolensk area of Russia, where the Germans discovered the mass graves of over 12,000 Polish officers murdered by the Soviet NKVD in 1940.  It was this event which led to the final break between Moscow and the London Poles and the Soviet denial of responsibility -- and their claims that the Nazis carried out the executions in 1941 -- remained a bone of contention, even in Communist Poland, where it was only discussed in whispers and sly smirks, until Gorbachev provided proof from KGB archival materials that the Russians actually committed the murders.  Very interesting film; too bad only 8 minutes long.  Some softness, but overall, good quality VHS material;
The training of the Elite  (1943):  An unfortunately very soft, VHS quality film 14 minutes long about the training of elite troops at Bad Tolz and their use in warfare;
Unsere Jugend - Ein Film der Napola  (1943):  Another film about an eilte training school and those who attend it.  And, once again, unfortunately, this 18 minute film is very soft.
REGION FREE (will play in any DVD player).

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