Artikelnummer 1382

AAG (1948) * with switchable English subtitles *

Raj Kapoor as Kewal Khanna Shashi Kapoor as Young Kewal Khanna Nargis as Nimmi Kamini Kaushal as Miss Nirmala Nigar Sultana as Sudha Kamal Kapoor as Kewal Khanna's father Premnath as Rajan

Kewal reluctantly accepts his father's demands to continue the family tradition by studying law and become a successful lawyer just like him. However, due to a lack of interest in becoming a lawyer and more interest in opening up his own theatre company, he fails his law exams and is thrown out of the house by his father. Luckily, he finds a patron of the arts, Rajan, who is the owner of a defunct theatrical company. A childhood romance with a girl named Nimmi haunts his fantasies, and Kewal searches for her in other women, even renaming them after his former sweetheart. With a theater, a play and a feminine image in his mind, he discovers a homeless woman who matches his fantasy and the play of his dreams can at last be written and performed.

DVD-R is in Hindi with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 133 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!

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